[Lauren K. Woods—home movies] Reel 1
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circa 1936
View of grandstand at the Skowhegan Fair in Maine. CUs of faces. Harness racing, women dancing on stage, juggler with rings, circus animals (camel, elephant on stage doing tricks.) Views of harness race, a food stand at the Fair, and woman getting into car. Man and woman (Lauren Woods?) with dog, walking, getting in car parked across from Spanish Gables [dance hall] Dancing Every Wed Fri Sat. POV from car past buildings boarded up along an ocean boardwalk, with signs including Tango, Frozen Custard, Cube Steak, Hurley's. Pans from hill overlooking city, with large church spires, and large official building. Foggy, winter-like.
Nurses walk to camera, one pushing a man (Lauren Woods) in a wheelchair. Several patients in beds outdoors on porch enjoying the sun in a Massachusetts hospital. Other nurses walk the grounds, some mug for the camera. The man (Woods) is first pushed by nurses in wheelchair, then helped by nurses to walk, then escorted to car as if he is now completely well.
Out of focus views of tropical city (palm trees) with ocean beach, and woman in sweater and scarf on beach, and man in lookout tower pretending to look for someone in distress in the water. Out of focus views of older couple with friends, walking toward camera, some garden views.
Man outside restaurant with awning "sodas lunches" speaks to camera. Views of women on street
(Easter?). Two children playing on beach, and three children playing on beach with doll.
Donor notes: "Skowhegan Fair, Hospital, Beth--Easter, Honeymoon". Lauren K. Woods and wife Violet were founders of Boston Amateur Theatre Guild, group that produced Movie Queen films.
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