[Price--home movies] Reel 016 (P4)
Maine (?)
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Amateur footage of family activities shot primarily in Maine. Can/reel notes as follows; reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 16 (P4): [dc 1931] May 30th to Oct 10th, 1931. Mother at Atlantic. Mother at Buck Hill. Girl Scouts and parade. The Bill Danas. Marion and Mary Seddon. Dr. Franklin. Ann Watts at Buck Hill. Beaver's farm. Stone Harbor. Cousin Madge. Roll A. note:book by Price(A bad case of moosepox) (UNEDITED) NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 16: Couple in small booth like a kiosk. 01:00. Bird on edge of birdbath. Elderly woman. She looks upward. Shields face with hand. She moves hands as she talks. 02:03. Column with cracks in it. Swing with triangular chains. Foliage. American flag. Girl scouts saluting the same. Boy carries flag away. Hand in hand Girl Scouts walk away. Mounted policemen on horses. Pony draws small wagon with young passengers. Marching helmeted soldiers. American and other flag bourne along. Woman marches with American flag. Behind her uniformed nurses carry American flag. Nurses carry lowered amongst them. Soldiers. Military marching band. 03:09. Marching band advances. Band consists of primarily drummers. Girl Scouts. Boys wearing sailor hats. Retinue of little girls. Behind them a group of boys semiformally dressed, white shirts, ties. Extended group of girls wearing white. 04:04. Group of bicyclers. Dark-uniformed marching band. Car with small American flags attached to sides. Fire engine with men standing on the running boards. Vehicles frequented by white uniformed men. Soldier group. 05:01. Girl Scout group. American flag bourne in front. Semiformally clad boys. Group of girls in conventional dress. Ladies emerge from building where man waits in yard. He smooths his hair back. Little boy is present. Girl, man join hands. Man takes woman by arm. Man waves. Woman waves. Woman, little girl walk up path. 06:04. Woman, little girl walk across lawn. Woman places arm around another little girl as she talks to her. Girl makes a quick gesture as if she is throwing something. Woman, girl link hands. Woman, two girls and boy in vicinity of birdbath. Girls, woman chase each other in vicinity of birdbath. Girl, woman touch boy. Girl, man walk with arms entwined. Girl has pet under arm. 07:04. Parked car. Woman walks up lawn. Boy walks up lawn carrying packages. One he balances on his shoulder. Girl and woman approach bush. Woman touches bush as if trying to explain it to girl. Two boys walk by. They fool, run around. Girl, woman enter area. Boys wrestle on lawn. Woman grasps boy on top by back of belt. 08:04. Woman talks. Girl smiles. Water surface. Someone casts in net. Boy, girl look on as man fishes with net. Man places fish in tin tub. Boy holds live fish aloft. Quick shot of boy, girl sitting on stone wall. Mountain side in immediate distance. Girls playing in water. They have device which resembles small sled. 09:08. One girl gets in and floats along as other girl watches her. Girl enters water. She grasps water sled and swims along kicking her feet while holding onto sled. Woman sits at side of pool. Goes swimming. Girl emerges, grasping handles of diving board. Girls, women enter pool from side. 10:02. They swim. Girl towels herself dry. She talks, waves. Woman, girls emerge from building adjacent to pool. Man, smoking cigarette, emerges. Boy rides bicycle down walkway in area. German sheperd runs down lawn. Bushes. Car approaches. Ladies, girl enter through gate. 11:11. Woman closes gate. Elderly sits in chair. Smooths hair as she talks. She continues to talk. Girls with tennis racquets. Two climb on fence. They sit there. Third joins them. One hands the other a racquet. The three. 12:00. They hold racquets against their faces. Woman in bathing suit sits on lawn. Girl sprays her with hose. Girl washes self with hose. Boy rises from chair. Tries to take hose from girl. He washes himself with hose. He sits down. Girl takes hose and sprays woman. Woman walks in vicinity of building. Slight breeze blows tree leaves. Man and woman emerge from building. They walk along. 13:01. Man and woman sitting side by side. Foliage in background. (End of Reel 16.)
4 Copies