Weymouth Evictions

Weymouth (Mass.)
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August 14 1974
Leader: "P2 Weymouth Evictions #9652 8/14/74"
Tenants at Tammy Brooks Apartment Complex in Weymouth gathered to block an eviction. Interviews with tenants and one of the policemen on-site. Footage of crowds of mostly women and children in front of the building chanting, holding up signs, and blocking the moving truck.
Interview with a tenet, [Mrs. Lindsey?] about how the Tenants First Coalition is blocking the eviction of families from the Tammy Brook Apartment Complex. A different woman speaks to cameras about how they have won today and no one is moving. Crowd cheers. A&T moving truck drives away. Silent b-roll of crowds, "We Won't Go" sign, cars blocking the moving truck. Interview with Constable [Ramboney]? about the evictions on hold while they wait to hear from the courts. More footage of signs, b-roll of crowd, more tenants speak to the cameras, and crowd chanting. Outtakes of interviews with Mrs. Lindsey and the police. Lindsey explains the backstory of their rent strike, demand for repairs, and how the case has gone through the courts. More b-roll of the crowd, signs, exterior footage of the apartment building, and the police and tenets outside the building.

2 Copies
