[Quincy Market Centennial] Version 1

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One of two films sponsored by the Faneuil Hall Markets Century Celebration in 1926. The film gives an overview of the history of Boston, the markets and the centennial celebration. It was most likely intended for educational use. Intertitle: " The Story of Faneuil Hall and Faneuil Hall Markets Centennial celebration. Produced y National Motion Picture Bureau, Philip Davis, Prop." Intertitle: "Safety Film. Massachusetts Dept. of Public Safety. Inspected, Tagged and Approved. For use only with incandescent lamp of not more than 600 watts." Intertitle: "Foreword. One hundred years ago, Josiah Quincy prophesized that Faneuil Hall Market would become "A proud memorial of the public spirit and unanimity of the city council and of the liberality of their fellow-citizens, an ornament to the city, a convenience to all." Intertitle: " The Landing of the Pilgrims. " LS brief shot of a Viking-looking sailing ship with men in Viking helmets aboard. Closer shot of men in Pilgrim costumes looking out over a bay as if deciding on a place to land. Shots of Pilgrim men and women looking over a document. Intertitle: "Boston began its career in 1626 with Blackstone's farm on the west slope of Beacon Hill." Still shot of a map of Boston. Intertitle: "Here William Blackstone traded with the Indians, cultivated his garden and nursed his apple trees." Intertitle: "This year, therefore, celebrates a double anniversary. The 300th anniversary of Boston and the 100th anniversary of Faneuil Hall Markets." Intertitle: "Boston town, originally called Trimountain or Shawmut was founded in 1630 by Governor John Winthrop." Black and white still drawing of early Boston with ships in foreground. Intertitle: "Like Topsy, Boston 'just growed'. [sic]" Black and white still of a later map of Boston showing many streets. Intertitle: "Boston Today". HAS of Boston skyline and river in background. Spire of Old North Church can be seen in one view. HAS busy street corner with trolleys and cars. Interitle: "And so Boston rose from a little farm to a metropolis of a million serving millions of people." Intertitle: "Faneuil Hall, one of its greatest landmarks, today is completely surrounded. Benjamin Franklin would have difficulty finding it." Statue of Franklin is seen on a city street. Man dressed as Franklin steps down from pedestal and wanders around on the busy streets. Intertitle:"Just where is Fanueil Hall, please?" Views of Franklin speaking with policeman and pans of busy street to Fanueil Hall with bunting on it, traffic and pedestrians all around. Intertitle: "Contrast his view with Faneuil Hall in Franklin's time." Blacd and white drawing of the building. Intertitle: "Note white lines showing original size of the hall." A drawing with white lines on the building is shown. Intertitle:" Faneuil Hall, 'Cradle of Liberty', was built and presented to the Town of Boston in 1742 by Peter Faneuil." Black and white portrait of Faneuil. Intertitle: "Faneuil Mansion on Tremont Street opposite King's Chapel Burying Ground, surrounded by seven acres of garden" Black and white illustration of the mansion. Intertitle: "The Faneuils were famous gardeners, also good business men with credits in all trading parts of the world." Intertitle: "Faneuil Hall and the Feather Store." Black and white print of the two buildings. Intertitle: "The first Faneuil Hall was destroyed by the great fire in 1761. It was re-built in 1763 and in 1806 a third story was added." Early photographic image of Faneuil Hall. Intertitle: "Faneuil Hall shrine of patriotism is noted for its colonial architecture. Interior view of Faneuil Hall" Views of the second story large assembly room with seats, paintings, large windows and stairway. Intertitle: "Faneuil Hall often echoed the eloquence of Franklin, Webster, Choate and Sumner who furnished 'Food for Thought' to the multitudes." Black and white print view of Faneuil Hall from Boston Harbor. Intertitle: "The old bell which for years opened and closed the Market." LAS bell with rope. Intertitle: "Faneuil Hall Market at the same time served the multitudes with 'Food for Life' as important as 'Food for Thought'." Intertitle: "50th Anniversary of Faneuil Hall Markets." Early photo of Faneuil Hall, then still of parade going by Quincy Market with Faneuil Hall in background. Intertitle: " Mayor Cobb and pioneers who sponsored the 50th celebration." Still studio image of Mayor and other officials. Intertitle: "Faneuil Hall today showing the new million dollar approaches." Footage of the building with bunting, traffic moving three ways in front of it. At Quincy Market, delivery trucks are backed into parking spaces. Intertitle: "Boston Fruit and Produce Exchange--a link in the world-wide system of exchange governing market quotations." Views of the interior of the exchange-- reading tables, the day's newspapers, transaction counter. Intertitle: "Today it may well be said of the pioneers of Faneuil Hall Markets 'They builded [sic] better than they knew.'" Still picture of 10 men posing for camera, and another still of two men in topcoats walking on a sidewalk. Intertitle: "The Celebration Committee with the Mayor and Superintendent of Markets." Film of a group of 100 men standing outdoors, posing for camera. Street level film of police and band marching by Quincy Market, followed by men in straw hats and white coats (butchers, fruit and produce men?). Intertitle: "This Century Celebration of Faneuil Hall Markets commemorates above all the fulfillment of the prophecy of Josiah Quincy…" Still portrait of Quincy. Intertitle: "For a century, Faneuil Hall and Faneuil Hall Markets have served the multitude with 'Food for Thought' and 'Food for Life', the latter drawn from cities, towns, villages and farms in nearly every state in the Union as well as overseas… and a proud memorial of public spirit…an ornament to the city, a convenience to all." Intertitle: "Courtesy of Faneuil Hall Markets Century Celebration 1826-1926."

4 Copies
