Seacliff Lodge, 1940--Abraham Katz--home movies. Reel 76

![Cambridge, MA, USA [42.3736158,-71.1097335]](marker-icon.png)
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Reel 76: color (faded). Woman with flag, cow inside fenced area. Man with small cow, he sits down with it. Woman with small cow and setter. Couple with puppies. Woman chases goat. Henhuts inside enclosure. Sheep. Woman with grass (very faded). Man with two horses, goat. He has no shirt on. Woman with same horses. Man with cow and calf, he wears red and black checked shirt. Waves to camera. Woman with cow, calf, setter. Goat in field. Camera motion, animals run around field. Couple on horses come toward camera. Couple in horse carriage. Underexposed footage of woman with carriage.
Intertitle: "Pictures taken at Seacliff Lodge 1940." Couple and horses, too dark. Man in checked shirt takes down flag from flagpole. Sea behind him. Man has rifle, setter dog. He fires rifle. Man leads horse out of barn. Lodge, car, man with horse. Man rides horse on beach. Wooden boat on beach.
Intertitle: "Murry [sic] Sandler taking a trot through his reservation with his horse, Brown Jug in September 1940" Road in wooded area, man with carriage and horse. Setter runs out in front. Horse and carriage.
Ocean. Man runs up stairs with dead duck. Holds dead duck. Very dark footage of someone sitting on boat.
In town, three adults and baby walk down front stairs. Joined by boy in next shot. Car drives away. CU woman and baby wearing pink.
Intertitle: "Erection of a new stable at Seacliffe Lodge in July 1941"
Color, couple walks down stairs, she wears raccoon coat. They kiss. Group of adults waves.
Ox team, yoked, with two people Overexposed and poorly focused.
Man with cow walks into barn. Sign, Beware of Dog. Sign, Rabbits. Various hutches iwth chickens.
Intertitle: Fishing at the Everglades.
Color, group at table. Pan of water, fishing rod in foreground. Man waves at camera. Bud beer bottles. Man with big fish. Others shake fingers at him. Excursion boat, all men. Seminole women cooking. Faded film of visitors and Seminole woman and child.
Two men at hotel with red setter. Ocean, pool. Man on diving board. Men with gazing ball. Men on diving platform with palm trees. Men dance, fool around. Very large V, men shake hands.
Seacliffe Lodge driveway. Barn, turkeys, chickens. Man with horses. Visitors arrive (dark).
Back to Florida, views of hotel.
3 Copies