Friends, Maine plane trip, fall 1938--Samuel B. Horovitz--home movies. Reel 19
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Credit: Samuel Horovitz Collection, Northeast Historic Film.
Fall 1938
Samuel B. Horovitz
Alice & Flora see me off, PLANE TRIP
TO MAINE (Union Leaders?)
Party in Rose's Everett cellar
Vernon Marr,
LODGE at Temple Emanuel
Brotherhood - & crowds therein
Mrs. Rotenberg, Mary, Alice
Newton [?]
Cocanut Grove Show
Football game Yale at Yale (poor)
Judge Miles & son
Joe Israelite, Late Gov Tobin (TelCo)
Judge Chelsea, MacLeod, [?]
Labor & Peporters at State House
The End (blue)
Title: “Natural Color Photography by Samuel B. Horovitz”
Sign: “Passengers will not pass through gates until plane is announced”
American Airlines plane on tarmac. Breezy day, young woman. Boston Maine Airways, Central Vermont sign on plane. Young women and man face camera. Shots of planes and Inter City Airlines building. Crowd waiting for plane.
Two young children. Young men salute, man at nose of plane. Aerial view. Men take off hats to camera. Maine State House building, Augusta, ME.
Men in party hats. Couples at party; brightly lit, good color. Pan down one woman’s bust and legs. Portraits of people at party, jollity.
Title: “Temple Emanuel Brotherhood presents” (Newton, MA)
Men, lodge event. Man with present. Check (not legible). Girl with flowers.
Portraits of people outside, talking to camera. More faces inside.
Glimpses of a stage show, amateur performers, dancing and fiddle playing.
Harvard-Yale football game, New Haven. (Horovitz was an alumnus)
Driving at dusk (or view from train).
Title: “Leading Personalities of the Day” art card
Views of family and friends in color, addressing camera. Lit. Some talk to him, others smile.
Title: “People and Places Natural Color” Much of this is very dark. People at a formal occasion at the Massachusetts State House, including Governors Hurley and Tobin.
One man has an enormous handkerchief.
Title: “The End”
Compiled color home movies including scenes of friends, a plane trip to Maine, a Harvard-Yale football game, and celebrations at Temple Emanuel and at the Massachusetts State House.
On can: "Fall 1938 Friends, Maine plane trip, Rose Everett's Cellar, Lodge & Temple Emanuel, J. Miles, Misc. - Yale Game, Labor & report at State House, Coconut Grove show..."
3 Copies