Springfield, OH, neighborhood--Robert N. Lupfer--home movies. Reel 4
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circa 1930
Three girls rollerskate on sidewalk and by house. One falls down.
Small boy with fishing rod.
Pageant or school event outside.
Swimming pool, man on diving board in full-body swimsuit flings small boy off into water repeatedly. Girl jumps off diving board. (Springfield Country Club)
At house, setting off fireworks in dappled shade.
Pool scenes, women in bathing caps.
Children leave clapboard house; on the sidewalk walking toward camera: ECU each child in turn.
Horseback riding in a ring, man canters with child sitting in front of him; girl (Hopie?) rides her own horse, then little boy is on horse. Children do not wear riding helmets.
Woman in coat, children play with setter dog.
View of garage, which has a trellis on it.
Boy shoots bow and arrow toward a target in yard. Children on bicycles.
Children in a pageant outside, parents' heads in foreground (women in summer hats). Girls in Tyrolean dress dance; girls in Japanese dress with fans dance; Spanish dress with tambourines; fairytale costumes. Then too-quick pans of assembled children.
Pool and diving board with children.
In the yard, egg and spoon race and stilts. Children in coats and caps run around yard with football. Could be birthday party.
Outside a house with house number 1661. Man in homburg hat, children, father and mother. Dogs. Man in white jacket comes out of house, interacts with dogs; he may be a household domestic.
Girl skiing down hill at another house. Flexible flyer sled, long runs toward camera.
4 Copies