Camp Kawanhee, Greenbrier--Robert N. Lupfer--home movies. Reel 13
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circa 1938 – 1946

Credit: Ed Lupfer Collection, Northeast Historic Film.
Young woman and older woman emerge from teepee. We are at summer camp? Young man sits on camp bench. Camp band on softball field, parades around. Baseball game.
Camp buildings. Boys holding model sailboats pose at lake for a group photo. View of cabin. Grandmother and young boy. Lake, swimming. Diving. Dock, relay race. Campers sit on shore, handle canoe. Young women at lakeside beach fool around, then one attempts to make kindling. Woman (Ella Mason Lupfer?) at beach. Tennis. Farmhouse with attached barn.
Chateau Frontenac, Quebec City views. Cascade, could be Montmorency Falls. Rocky hillside with flowers, a botanical gardens?
Games at the camp. Lake, child in kayak.
Mother dressed in coat with fur collar and hat. Boy in dress hat. Closeup of license plate. Girl next to car. Boy shoots basket against garage wearing vest and knickers. Father also shoots baskets. Family group in the garden.
Visit to the Greenbrier Hotel, White Sulphur Springs, WV. Views of hotel and sign “The Old White,” 1876-1922. Various views of hotel, no other guests.
Camp Kawanhee, boys at beach in running race. Swimming, boating, diving. Boys walk toward camera on dock in slow motion. Canoeing races. Women on beach. American flag with lake in background. Bailing wooden sailboat. All campers lined up with paddles for group shot. Woman pitches underhand. Boys move canoes by bouncing on stern. View of beach with many people on it. Fast paddling in sport kayak with sign “Wildcat” on bow. Pine trees in foreground, lake in background, foliage shots. Man in sweater holds up fish. Man in cap (cook?) looks at camera. Softball on lawn with elders. Little boys run, women run, counselors or staff run. Men lined up throw and catch balls. Drummer. Boy in tie and suspenders with dog walks on log (Ed Lupfer as teenager? Lake at sunset. Tennis. Dark shots at cabin, teenagers fooling around. Women from the back, one turns and salutes camera. Boys jack up car.
Golf. One man in hat swings wildly. Massive clouds in background.
At rocky area, picnic, poor exposure. Man smoking. Water cascade, boys on rocks and in water. [Could be Smalls Falls, Maine, on the Sandy River.] Young woman in plaid shirt. Beachball play in lake.
Compiled color home movies featuring scenes of Lupfer family travel in Quebec, Canada, and West Virginia, and of summer camp activities at Camp Kawanhee in Weld, Maine.
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