Margaret and Clinton Smith wedding, 1937--Cyrus Pinkham--home movies. Reel 2
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1937 – 1939

Credit: Cyrus Pinkham Collection, Northeast Historic Film
Compiled reel of 16 mm. home movies of the 1937 wedding of Margaret and Clifton Smith with later footage of their daughter Carolyn.
Wedding - Margaret and Clinton Smith
Baby - Carolyn is born (Margaret & Clinton)
Margaret & mother go calling the newly married MacLeods
The Handy Shop
Reel begins with several inserts from the wedding announcement: "Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus S. Pinkham announce the marriage of their daughter Margaret to Mr. Clifton Smith on Thursday, the twelfth of August, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, Malverne, New York."
Intertitle: "The groom and best-man arrive."
Intertitle: "The arriving wedding guests----"
Intertitle: "----and the minister."
Brief shot of ceremony followed by scenes of guests dining, Margaret cutting the cake, the wedding party and guests gathered on the lawn. Guests tie cans and ribbons to a convertible car decorated with "Just Married" sign. Shot through another car's windshield following the honeymoon car on the road.
Intertitle: "Only the beginning!"
Close-up on hands opening a "Just Arrived" card at a desk. Inserts of January 10, 1939, birth announcement for Carolyn P. Smith.
Intertitle: "Two months later"
Baby Carolyn with Margaret, Mrs. Pinkham, and Cyrus.
Close-up of of hands at desk writing "To be continued."
Intertitle: "Grandma, Margaret, and Carolyn 3/39"
Intertitle: "Carolyn, center of attention, at Aunt Fan's 3/39"
Intertitle: "Carolyn and family go calling on the newly married MacLeods 8/39"
Margaret, Carolyn, Clifton, and Mrs. Pinkham leave house and drive off in a car with a "New York World's Fair 1939" license plate.
Title: "THE END"
Sign: "The HANDY SHOP"
Shots of customers entering store, group leaving with picnic baskets and bags. Cut from closed trunk at shop to same at picnic site, where it is opened and unpacked. Small picnic at waterside table.
3 Copies