May Sarton: She Knew a Phoenix
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Documentary about poet May Sarton includes Sarton at typewriter, speaking poem, talking with (student) interviewer. Winter road scenes driving to her house (in Maine?). The poem uses bird imagery; video shows bird sculpture. She is asked how the critics have treated her. Funded by Maine Humanities Council. NHF cataloguer's notes, 11/94: May Sarton at work with typewriter. Reciting poetry. Winter scenes. Writes lyric poetry, says male critics have been harsh. Wrote many volumes. Says her poetry is not for this time. Talks about meaning of her poetry and women's roles, and source of her ability to write poetry. Shots of gardening, reciting poetry. With Collie dog. Shots of flora, discusses why she writes poetry, the importance of poetry, the use of metaphor and meaning of poetry. Her views on feminism and its influence on writing. Reads political poem about Detroit racial riots of 1943. Discusses God and religion. With credits.
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