[Earl Hodgkins--home movies] Reel 6
Mount Desert, Maine
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Can notes: 'Skiing at Chestnut Ridge. Ann at house in Tonawanda, snow. Boy scouts paper drive. Ann in taylortot, 1949. Dunnington pups, lucky #1. Earl's flight to Maine. Debbie Holt and Ann. Pup and children in backyard. Earl and Ann carrying basket. Picnic. Popham, lobsters, Martha trip. George on Don's roof. Bath, Lucky Winds (name on boat). Nellie and Ed, Sebasgo [Sebasco?]. Ann, backyard. Crystal Beach, Chases and Holts. Mt. Desert, Mrs. Weston and Mother P. Martha at Thunder Hole. Ann and Nana H. in Grandpa's boat. Three-cornered pond, Holmes children, Don's family. Morgan horse in Farmingdale, Me. Football game, University of Maine 1949. Bridge at Burnham.' // 1947 and 1948 date codes on film.
4 Copies