Stepping Out #11
Orono, Bangor, Farmington, Maine
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December 29 1977
'Stepping Out' is a program which focuses on the changing roles of women in society, and the problems facing women who work outside of the home in all spheres of society. The program includes recurring segments such as 'The Trials and Tribulations of Ruby Slippers' and 'Mechanical Minute with Lotta Knowhow.' This episode includes segments on women athletes and Title IX at the University of Maine, on the Independent Living Center for disabled students at Husson College, and on women in music. The women in music segment features a profile of Lillian Nordica (Lillian Norton), an opera singer in the 1870s from Farmington. The episode includes footage of Linda Mills (student at Husson College) and of Catherine Anne Foley (Associate Professor of Music at University of Maine).
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