[Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 035 (F5)
East Orland, Maine
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Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 35 (F5): [can/reel notes available; dc 1953] note:book by Price(A bad case of moosepox) (UNEDITED) NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 35. 17:20. Exterior of brick building. Sign extended from roof states: 'Ellsworth'. Locomotive of 50's type passenger train as it pulls into station. Group awaits in station. Passengers dismount, primarily boys. African-American porter stands by as boys dismount. One after the other the young men descend from train, carrying luggage and assorted items. (Shot is a little shadowy, but descending young men are visible enough.) 18:19. Young men row canoes on lake surface. Young man stands on platform. Two canoes, two men to each canoe. They row past platform. Other young men on wharf. All dressed for swimming. 18:45. Group of young men gathered outside. One at far right digs with shovel. Young man sticks tongue partially out. Other young man rocks back and forth while he sits. Group of young men. One with feather in hat chews gum. 19:00. Two rowboats paddled by boys, two in each boat. Boys on wharf, some dressed for swim. Boys standing in sterns of canoes. Their bodies in motion, they propel canoes forward. Buddies watch from wharf. 20:01. Crews of boys in two canoes paddle them forward. All boys wield oars. 20:06. Exterior of East Orland post office. Exterior of buildings. (Shadowy shot.) Car parked at roadside. Road. Woodland road. Copious groves of trees on either side. Closer views of trees. Road. 20:47. Group of boys gathered for exercise. Many in pajamas. Leader stands before group. They bend down performing various exercises, touching toes, etc. Group turns in opposite direction and does push-ups. They rise, disperse. 21:17. Silhouette of boy at table in tent. He removes objects from one location and places them in another. Man and boys walking at tent exterior. Man retrieves object from ground. 21:44. Two dead fish on board. Will probably be preserved as trophies. 21:56. Man and two boys. Man shakes boy's hand. Boy laughs. 22:06. Unmanned canoe on lake. Looks as if it is sinking. Boys paddle two canoes. One boy in one canoe and two in the other. Two boys stand in bows of canoes. Standing boys have long sticks with objects on the ends which look like large powder puffs. One boy sits down, but rises. They dip objects in water, point toward each other. 22:34. Shadowy shot. Boys stand on wharf. Three boys in canoe. Group stands on platform in water. Boy leaps from divingboard. Another boy dives from board. One after the other dives, swims. One by one, they climb back on platform. 24:08. Lake surface in motion. Closer view of platform and diving board. One boy dives from board, another directly off of platform into water. 24:28. Difficult, obscure shot. Appears to be interior window curtains, possibly strips, black and white cloth. Someone stands at side. 24:42. On wharf and platform, two different boys dive into water. Boy climbs onto wharf. 24:44. Two boys playing chess. Shot a bit shadowy, but discernable. 25:06. Two boys walk down woodland path. Three boys sit on steps between tents. Two boys in front doff hats. Fourth boy joins group. 25:34. Boy does gymnastics on tower-like device. Grasps bar with legs and hangs head down. Two other boys watch him. 25:56. Aerial, overhead view of mountain side with its rocky terrain and tree foliage. Pan. of area extends leftward. 26:08. Boy sitting in rocky area. Group of boys sit on boulder edge, large rock thrusting upward. Boy at right points outward. 26:17. Boy sitting in rocky area drinks from tin canteen. 26:22. Mountain summit. Clouds of horizon. Shot tracks downward to trees, lake surface. Shot tracks to left to reveal lake surface and rocky shoreline. Boy sitting on rock. 26:36. Pickup truck motors down road. Boys stand in truck bed. Mountain side with clouds in blue sky. Trees. Shot tracks left. Horizon with clouds. 27:03. Two sailboats on lake. 27:18. Boy stands against tree. Man with clipboard approaches. Boy walks behind man. The two walk upward. Now man and other boys descend. Crouching down, boy walks cautiously forward. Boys gather round as man writes on clipboard. 28:01. Three boys smiling. Four boys talking, smiling. Man sits behind two boys as they talk. Boys sitting one behind the other on steps or ladder. Sign: 'Circus'. 28:31. Boy stands in canoe. Has soft, circular object appended on long stick. Boy in opposite canoe has the same. Good-natured fight with sticks continues. 29:01. One canoe nearly collides with the other as stick-fun extends. One boy loses balance, sits abruptly down in canoe! Boy dips stick in water. 29:09. Building at 'Northeast Airlines'. Airplane lands. Propellers still spinning, it turns. View of wing. Plane exterior. Passengers descend from plane. 29:38. Exterior of building. Sign over door: 'Northeast Airlines, Bangor'. People at building exterior. They are claiming, taking their luggage. Boys getting into truck bed. Sign on side: 'Flying Moose Lodge. East Orland, Maine'. Airline building once more. 30:04. Group of boys in woods. One has backpack. Meat being cooked over campfire. Meat is on long, shiskebab-like stick, individual cuts of meat. Man turns stick. 30:17. Group of boys in woods. Man with backpack motions group to follow him. The boys walk along. Meat on long stick is turned as it cooks over campfire. Flame of fire. Soup, cooked over campfire, is ladled out of large kettle into sauce-pans. 31:00. Man at side tends to fire. Man wearing apron drops stick. Places stick in fire with something attached to end. 31:17. Food, pie of some kind, is lifted out of large pan into a smaller one. Group of adjacent boys. Each boy has his own pan. 31:29. Boys hold out individual pans. Food from large pan is transferred into each one. (End of Reel 35.)
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