[Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 051 (F21)

East Orland, Maine
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Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 51 (F21): [can/reel notes available; dc 1972; 'J' on leader] note:book by Price(A bad case of moosepox) (UNEDITED) NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 51. 21:45. Man, group of boys standing about. Clothes being washed on wharf. Young men sit about eating. 22:07. Biscuit being placed by large spoon into pan. Line of young men waiting to eat. Tree. Adjacent canoe. Boy in canoe. 23:18. Group of young men running down woodland road. Group walking down road. Two walking. Three doing same. Walking down road continues. 25:00. Group of young men outside. Man whittling. He ignites campfire. Sign in area: 'Big Top.' Various boys in group. 26:39. Group of young row canoes. Group on adjacent wharf. They wear swim trunks, make comic gestures. Swimmers approach wharf. 27:38. Inverted canoes. Adjacent group of young men. Truck to which canoes are attached moves forward. 29:01. Young man hurls log. Another does same. One young man after another hurls a log. 29:37. Young man saws tree trunk using handsaw. Two other young men hold trunk at each side to provide stability. Young man rolls tree trunk along by prodding with a peavy or a long pole with a pick on the end of it. 30:02. Young men assembled on beach. Campfires lit. Kettle over campfire. Lobster is placed in kettle. Other lobsters added. Two young men carry fowl on spit forward. Young men sit drinking from cans. They throw cans away. 31:32. Young men lined up to eat outside. Group sits on ground and eats. 32:41. Young men in canoes. Two canoes have platform in center which connects the two. Another two canoes connected by platform. Two young men standing on platform. 32:56. Tin tubs beneath campfires. Looks to be a lobster bake. Young men wear swim trunks. (Color, film a bit faded in this segment.) Young man places eggs in one of the tubs. Other item placed in other tub. Contents of tub is stirred with ladle. Lobsters removed from crate and placed in tub. (Color has now improved in this sequence.) Live lobsters. Ears of corn added to tub. Live lobsters move about in tub. Meat placed over fire. Soup is ladled out from kettle. Clams, next. Cans of soda being served. Group sitting about eating. Groups and individuals. 36:08. Group of young men go in swimming. 36:21. Two young men paint canoe exterior. Third young man smooths paint with gloved hand. (End of Reel 51.)

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