[Mantle Receives Award]

New York City, New York
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New York Yankee baseball player Mickey Mantle receives award/prize belt; United Press story; from 'Sports Archive Reel 5'.
Silent footage of a United Press teletype machine with the words New York City overlaid; footage of young men dressed in suits and neckties amid microphones and flowers; shots of banquet tables and then a close up shot of a decorative belt, the Hickok belt, and Mickey Mantle trying it on; [The award was created by Ray and Alan Hickok in honor of their father, Stephen Rae Hickok, who founded the Hickok Manufacturing Company of Rochester, New York, maker of belts. First awarded in 1950, alligator skin was used for the belt, and the buckle was solid-gold encrusted with 4-carat (0.80 g) diamonds, and 26 gem chips. In 1951 it was valued at $10,000]

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