[Philip C. Curtis, Sr.--home movies]
Rhode Island
Nova Scotia, Canada
Rhode Island
Nova Scotia, Canada
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
1929 – 1937
24 reels donated 7/20/2000. 6 additional reels donated 8/31/2001 Reels shot by father (Philip C. Curtis, Sr.) 1929-1938. Notations on reels and in collections file. 1. Grand Manan, 400' 2. Grand Manan, 400' 3. Grand Manan, 250' 4. Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, May 28-June 11, 1931, 400' 5. Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, May 28-June 11, 1931, 400' 6. Nova Scotia, Cape Breton Island, May 28-June 11, 1931, 400' 7. Gaspe, July 18-August 3, 1930, 400' 8. Gaspe, July 18-August 3, 1930, 400' 9. Gaspe, July 18-August 3, 1930, 400' 10. Snow train, Roger Williams Park, 1933, 100' 11. Brown 0, Dartmouth 13 (Football game), 1931, 100' 12. Mohawk Trail, 1933, 100' 13. Ronnie, Puppy, 1934, 100' 14. 2nd Beach, September 4, 1937, 100' 15. Cola Film, [?], 1936, 100' 16. Brown/Colgate, 1931, 100' 17. Panama #1, 1927, 400' 18. Panama #2, 1927, 400' 19. Panama #3, 1927, 400' 20. Panama #4, 1927, 400' 21. Washington, 1932, 400' 22. Boothbay Harbor, 1933, 400' 23. Montreal, Saganaug, 400' 24. Gaspe, 400' 25. Bristol Highlands, R.I., Summer 1929, 400' 26. Bristol Highlands, R.I., Summer 1929, 400' 27. Monadnock, Bristol Highlands, R.I., 1929-1930, 400' 28. Monadnock, Skiing (#4), 1931, app. 300' 29. Westport, Bristol Highlands, R.I., Summer 1931, 300' 30. [unlabeled, 3 reels from 1929, 1935, 1937], 300'
1 Copy