4H, A Family Special

East Sebago, Maine
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Dated October 1987. Ted Greene, a bearded maple syrup maker wearing a flannel shirt, narrates. Kids recite 4H pledge. Sebago Town Hall sign. 4H activities. Christmas tree. Riding tractor. CU of barn. Greene standing by maple syrup evaporator. Boiling maple syrup. Tank, buckets, tools, woodstove. Break in program. Sheep mother and baby. Pigs. Rabbit. Goose. Goat. Cow. Chicken. Horses. Goat. Men shooting at target in snow. Tara Greene cutting cloth for quilt. Ironing. Putting on makeup. Dressing in gown. Break in program. Youth riding tractor. With Greene and heavy equipment. Group drawing (quilt pattern?). Sewing quilt. Tool making. Sharpening tool. Woodworking. Beekeeping. Break in program. 'Bee There or Bee Square' segment: Man and boy in beekeeping headgear and garb. Spraying. Handling honeycomb. County fair: 4H project booths. Leona 'Granny' Greene. Cow. Watering cow. Sewing, craft, woodworking projects bearing blue ribbons. Snack bar. ONSITE REFERENCE ONLY.

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