[Henry Briggs Nature Series: Florida Keys]

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Briggs footage originally shot on 16mm film. // Briggs gives running narration throughout.
Henry Briggs voiceover; Mangrove trees near Florida are viewed in detail, from seeds to seedlings to forests in the Gulf of Mexico; fish and birds in the area are also described, including spoonbills, herons, fiddler crabs, horseshoe crabs, among the mangrove islands; caterpillars, snails, pelicans at all stages of development are observed; the mating of fiddler crabs is described; Ibis in all stages of development are observed; crayfish are also noted; skimmers are observed; a Louisiana heron feeding is noted; the red tide kill of fish is noted; dragonflies are observed; the foliage along the shore is toured; pitcher plants are detailed; spotted trump leaf plants ad sun dew flowers are observed; a praying mantis receives special focus; a diamondback rattlesnake is discovered; crab fishing is demonstrated; "slower than death on crutches"; a diamondback terrapin is observed; caster fishing net sewing is demonstrated; hibiscus and other flowering plants are noted; the killing of a grasshopper is observed; audio of Briggs commenting on a bad spot in the video;

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