Northeast's #1: The Maine Black Bears

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June 1983
Special program on the University of Maine baseball team, which won the right to compete in the College World Series for the third straight year. Program submitted for Maine Association of Broadcasters news award contest, feature category). See collection folder for additional information. Later on tape: portion of a 1982 film by Jay Kent, on native people's lives in Maine (dubbed from film--about 7 min. on this tape).
[Transcript of notes provided with collection] 1984 Mab broadcast news awards Entry Blank (Duplicate if needed) Station: WLBZ-TV Category: Feature "Northeast #1 Team: The Maine Black Bears" Air Date: June, 1983 Describe entry briefly: The University of Maine baseball team won the right to compete in the College World Series for the third year in a row. The team captured the hearts of everyone in the area. We followed the team from Spring Training through the regular Season, the playoffs and finally, the World Series. Our Sports [D]epartmend produced this half hour special on the '83 season. News Director: Jeff Marks General Manager: Margo Cobb Announcer: Dale Duff Photographer: Paul Salisbury, Rick White, Mike McLeaod Director: Richard Greene Each entry should be accompanied by a check for $10 ($35 for non MAB members) and be returned to the Maine Association of Broadcasters; 385 Western Ave; Box P.I.; Augusta, ME 04330, no later than July 10, 1984. Notice: To prevent advance opening of you packaged tapes, your entry fee checks should be in an envelope, attached to the outside of your package. Entry blanks with descriptions, ETC., should be included on the inside of the package with your tapes! -Northeast's #1-The Maine Black Bears -Aired June of 1983 as a preview to the college world series -4 segments -produced by Dale Duff

2 Copies
