[Flying Moose Lodge footage] Reel 052 (F22)

East Orland, Maine
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
circa 1970
Amateur footage of activities and events at Flying Moose Lodge, East Orland. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 52 (F22): [no can/reel notes; no dc] note:book by Price(A bad case of moosepox) (UNEDITED CATALOGER'S NOTES) NHF cataloguer's notes for Reel 52: 36:49. Group of young men row fleet of canoes. Other swim in area. Canoe is paddled by wooden frames. Canoe on lake. Two paddle canoe. Across center of their canoe, two young men upright inverted canoe. Lake surface in motion. Canoe laden with rowers. Young men standing on wharf make motions. (End of Reel 52.)

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