[Archie Stewart--home movies] Reel 012

United States
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
1940 – 1942;1949
NHF cataloguer's notes: Reel 12 Screening notes: Mary, Ann and Robert Cote (Powelton Club lifeguard) posing in swimsuits beside stone wall. Swimming race, watched by young boys and girls. Slow motion of racers diving into pool; swimming. Mary (young teen) and Ann in riding clothes stand beside sedan car twirling riding crops. (Nice) Ann seated on couch in blue taffeta ball gown with fan. Mary standing in elaborately embroidered Chinese outfit, holding fan. Mary Stewart and daughter Mary Stewart skating in pairs on pond. Women stand in snowy street in fur coats. Joined by young girls jumping in snowbanks. Ann and Gladys Port. Great shots of young girl inside ice house (igloo) digging out snow. Pug dog barks as setter clambers out of icehouse. Dog jumps for treat tossed in air. MCU older man stands with shovel. Shot of many dogs and children crawling out of snowbank. (Some charming shots. Faded color.) Placard: stick drawing of rider on horseback. Ann in riding habit leans against car fender. VS of Ann and Mary on horseback. (Faded color) WS of group of horseback riders on snowy field. Wide LS of flock of birds (pheasants?) on snowy field. Riders on shady trail cross wooden bridge. Woman pins on corsage. Man in suit fondles horse. VS of young girls cantering horses in ring. Man stands beside Buick convertible. Ann seated in car with huge corsage, funky hat with three stars. Woman and young girls in Sunday best, enormous corsages. stand on sidewalk in residential neighborhood. VS of young girls competing in riding (dressage) competition in large ring with audience watching beside cars. WS Judges award ribbons. Ann stands shyly holding her ribbon. Two woman drive up in snazzy open convertible, pose in and beside car. Wide pan group of cottages in field at base of mountain. VS cabins and car. Young girl saunters down road toward large barn 'Brookside Ice.' Girl wanders through porches, up and down ice chutes. VS of Brookside Ice House beside lake with large ramps leading to water. MS of girl paddling canoe. Young woman in garden poses beside large flowering bush, fondles (carnations?).] Mary Stewart Hafer notes: At Powelton Club swimming pool: me, Robert Cote the lifeguard, Ann. Races. Mary in white cap. Ann doing breastroke, Mary backstroke. Mary doing plunge for distance. (I held the unbroken record in this event but this isn't when I did it). Ann doing back dive. Lynn G. Goodnough (a boyfriend) and me. Mary and Ann in our best riding clothes. Ann wearing a blue, changeable taffeta evening dress of mine that my granddaughter, Virginia Hafer, recently found and wore to a prom. Mary in Chinese silk suit that she bought in San Francisco Chinatown in summer of 1939. Skating at Powelton Club pond. Mary, tall, in white jacket, Mother in red. Ann and Gladys Port are the two little kids. Winter scene: Ann and Gladys Port. Next door neighbor, Mrs. Gilchrist. Tiny child, Gail Gilchrist. Ann's igloo. Dog Patsey coming out of igloo. Mr Armour, the neighborhood handyman. Mary at window of igloo. Miss Bloomer's stable. Ann on "White Cloud." Grand Street Gang riding. Mother and Mary in Easter suits. Rob Golding with old Buick. Ann with Easter corsage and hat with stars. Mary walking down Grand Street with gold tweed suit and Easter corsage. Horse show. Ann not pleased with red ribbon. Red Buick convertible with Mother and Mary. Guest cottages at Manchester, Vermont. Brookside Ice Co. ice house. Mary or Ann walking up and down ramps. Canoe on Brookside Pond. (Long silted-in, with commercial development onsite). Mary with bleached pompadour in backyard at 388 Grand Street.
Reel 12: Combination Mary & Ann's reel. 'Mary the Chink.' Ann in costume. Skating 8th tee, 1940. Snow house, 1940. Horse backing 1940. Rob at Bloomer's watching horse backing Spring 1941. Easter 1940. Plus additions made November 1949: swimming at Club plus 1942 pictures; horseback at Cornwall, Connecticut; Mary at CT 1942; Camps at Manchester, 1942; Ann at ice house at Brookside, 1942.

5 Copies

1) nhf-1108_0012a 18fps HD Reel 12 PARTIAL-Uncompressed 10-bit.mov
2) 1108.0012_VHS
3) 1108.0012_SVHS
4) 1108.0012_IN3/4
5) 1108.0012_F16
16mm film; 350 ft.; Silent; b&w and color;