[commercial shorts] Reel 059 (C6)

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Various commercial shorts. Reel numbers are NHF assigned. Reel 59 (C6): 400 ft. B&w. Si. Woody Woodpecker. 'Screw driver.' Our Gang. 'Hot Dogs and Lemonade.' (UNEDITED) NHF Cataloguer's notes. Reel 59. Intertitle: 'The Screw Driver. A Walter Lantz Cartoon'. 02:01. Woody Woodpecker driving car. Car explodes. Intertitle: 'It sounds funny!' Woody pours oil into car. Car vibrates. Intertitle: 'Gangway!' Truck stops at cliffside. Car goes by. Flock of geese. Man driving covered wagon. Wagon divides. Man has foot on each side. Woman in convertible grabs Woody in his car by hand, twirls him around. 03:07. Exhausted girl falls over front of car. Cop appears near Woody's car. Intertitle: 'I'm looking for speeders-they go W-O-O!' Ugly expression on cop's face. His hat pops into air. Intertitle: 'You mean put-put-put!' Still angry, cop's hat pops into air. Woody speeds away and returns. Intertitle: 'You're a speeder!' Woody speeds off. Angry, cop stands in road. Woody appears with rickshaw like device. Cop gets in. Woody pushes cop backwards in rickshaw. It goes over cliff. Cop bounces off of tree. He twiddles lips as he thinks. 04:15. Cop in prison cell. Sign outside: 'Jerk Ward'. Elevator. Woody, dressed as doctor, comes down slide. Woody looks at cop in cell. Intertitle: 'May I ask you a question?' Very angry, cop jumps around in cell. Hanging from bar in ceiling, he twiddles his lips. Intertitle: 'The End. Castle Films.' 04:45. New cartoon. Intertitle: 'Cleaned Out! Blue Monday'. Woman animal mops floor. Dunks child in pail. Child stares at cake of soap. Takes cake of soap in mouth. Intertitle: 'Ozzie gets it in the neck!' Child has swallowed soap so that it protrudes from his throat. Mother shakes him. Bubbles exude when she grasps him by throat. Cake of soap hits mother on head. She weeps. 05:19. Intertitle: 'Playing on a big scale!' Mother chases baby up and down piano keys. She jumps on keys which continue playing. She lifts piano lid. Child plays piano from inside. Child emerges, leaving mother's head jammed under lid. Baby runs up and down keys. Intertitle: 'You're off the key!' Mother stares as interior keys hammer away. Mother lifts lid. Baby runs away. He puts his head through pillow. Mother pulls him out, feathers flying into the air. Still in pillow, baby runs away. Mother chases him. Baby, pillow land on floor. Feathers fly forth. 06:24. Mother grabs baby by neck and puts him in closet. She removes vacuum cleaner. Intertitle: 'Gangway!' 06:37. She vacuums up feathers, pulling rug over self. Intertitle: 'The wacky vac.' Vac creates pressure which removes books and vase from table. Feathers emerge from vac. Mother emerges from under rug. Pulling on vac, it starts going and chases mother. Goat trophy head comes alive on wall. 07:08. Mother knocks trophy in face and lands on rug. Intertitle: 'In the dough!' Baby emerges from under rug. Intertitle: 'The End. Castle Films.' Short subject. Intertitle: 'Hal Roach presents his rascals & Hot Dogs-Lemonade. Our Gang Comedy'. 07:20. Two boys near hotdog stand in back of truck. Little girl points as boy cuts bread. Group on field. Carparisoned horse is brought out. Boys work around lemonade stand. Boy talks as he dips into lemonade. Other boy continues cutting bread. Friend takes bread from him, squeezes lemon juice in his face. In process of squeezing lemons, he squeezes juice in his own face. He breaks into tears. Two boys eat sandwiches. Boy uses dipper to sample lemonade. Intertitle: 'The lemonade is great! Nobody'll ever know the pup fell in it-' 08:21. Chinese boy in goat-pulled cart appears. Girl and boy in lemonade stand point to sign: 'Mustard free. Pickle exter.' Boy serves lemonade to Chinese child. 08:44. Side of racetrack. American flags. Sign: 'Southern Racing Association.' Horse. 'Our gang' assembled at lemonade stand. Little girl. Intertitle: 'I think I'll have some lemonade!' All rush to dip lemonade. Hand girl lemonade. Two African-American children by horse-drawn cart. They rush over to lemonade stand which has sign: 'Filling station.' African-American girl with hands in pockets approaches 'hot dog' stand. African-American boy displays box. Intertitle: 'It's mah dad's jockey suit-He's ridin' Waffle Iron in the fifth t'day.' Little rascals assembled by lemonade stand. Boys pull on hats. African-American girl has hands in pockets. She is about to take a hot dog. Hesitates. African-American boy still proudly displays father's jockey uniform. African-American girl takes hot dog. Pup looks up. 10:21. Hot dog in hands of African-American girl. African-American girl runs away. Pup follows her. He chases her around lemonade stand exterior. She hides behind telephone pole. Pup still runs around lemonade stand. Girl eating hot dog. Pup still running around stand. Girl continues eating hot dog. 10:53. Our gang assembled at stand. Intertitle: 'C'm on--' Our gang dissembles, runs away from stand. Some members approach elderly man with cane. Girl shakes hands with him. Girl explains. Man gestures with hand and cane. Girl whispers to man. Rest of gang runs away. Girl runs away after shaking hands with man. 'Our gang' assembled. Man pats two members as they run past him with dog. White rooster logo appears. Intertitle: 'The End. 11:04.) New cartoon: Intertitle: 'A Walter Lantz cartoon.' Large coliseum, like the famous one in Rome. Bullfight sign over arch. Poster: 'Today in person. Woody the terribull!' Woody Woodpecker facing bull. Intertitle: 'Hurray for Woody!' 11:45. Woody bending sword. Intertitle: 'Oxnard the Terrible!' Angry bull. Pistol firing. Bull charges Woody's cape which is patched long underwear. Bull leers at Woody who jumps all over ring. Bull pulls Woody's clothes off via his teeth. Woody dizzy by barber pole. Bull charges. Woody hides under blanket. Bull sniffs blanket, is surprised when middle arises. Bull sticks head through ground. Intertitle: 'Did you get him?' 12:38. Bull leans down while Woody whispers in his ear. They face each other. Intertitle: 'You keep watch!' Woody walks away, sneaks up behind bull and slaps him on the posterior. Screen intertitle: 'I'll mark him up!' Woody chases bull with fountain pen nub. Bull's activity stirs up dust. His body is divided with names of different cuts of meat. Bolts of anger symbolized by rays. Intertitle: 'Come on and fight!' Bull charges long underwear cape. He rolls over and over. Woody dances joyously with cape. Bull charges angrily knocking Woody under cape. Woody peers out from cape. 13:33. Bull charges fence, loosening slats. Spectators outside fence. Bull angry. 'Go Go!' appears in each eye. Woody leaps over bull as the latter charges against coliseum fence. Crown of stunned stars circle bull's head. Bull charges after Woody as mainly Spanish spectators watch. Bull, Woody charge each other. They collide. Spectators. 14:03. Woody at hot dog stand. Intertitle: 'Hurry folks! Get your fresh bullburgers!' Woody with bullburger on fork. He sweeps fork in front of stand sign. Intertitle: 'The End. Castle films. Copyright 1948. United World Films, Inc.' (End of Reel 59.)

3 Copies
