[Rebecca Freethey Viall--home movies] Reel 1
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Slight vinegar odor. // Footage from Brooklin, ME centennial. //
A cemetery with an archway reading ‘BROOKLIN’. Close up of a gravestone with the name ‘FREETHEY’. Inscription: ‘CAPT. ELLIS E. FREETHEY born Aug. 5, 1831, died July 13, 1910. HATTIE R. HERRICK, His Wife, born Feb. 8, 1842, died Jan. 14, 1907’. A gravestone with the name ‘HAMILTON’. The inscription is illegible. An American flag. A sheet of paper: ‘“LETS GO!” The Brooklin Centennial JULY 29-31’. A car with a ‘BROOKLIN’ pennant on the antenna. A sheet of paper with an image of a church and a map: ‘CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION BROOKLIN, MAINE JULY 29-31 1949 PRICE $1.00, Published July 1949 BROOKLIN CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE’. The church (First Baptist Church of Brooklin) and cemetery. A car. A band on a parade float. Other trucks and floats in the parade. A woman with a book. Cars parked along the side of the road. People in front of the church. The float with the band passing the church. A group of children and adults. A man seated in a car. The Friend Memorial Library. People in period dress pose for the camera. A crowd of people outside the post office. A man in a car. A girl on a bicycle. A foot race. A shot put competition. A boy jumping. A bicycle race. People seated in front of the church. People speaking from a podium on the front steps of the church. A toddler in a chair. A procession of girls carrying bouquets. One girl is crowned on the steps of the church. A man on horseback. The church. A gravestone with the name: ‘FREETHEY’. Flowers. A gravestone with the inscription: ‘E. STIRLING 1876 – 1946’. A gravestone with the inscription: ‘CLARIE L. FREETHEY APR. 8, 1866 MAR 2, 1947’. A gravestone with the name: ‘CLARIE’. A line of men entering the church. People gathering in a field. A baseball game. [End of Reel]
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