[Charles S. Houston—home movies] Reel 35
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Footage of several men rowing a boat. Footage of a large procession down a hill. The footage for both of the previous scenes is reversed, i.e. people are clearly moving backwards. A few shots of a long line of men carrying supplies through the snow. Footage of the porters resting and getting paid. Footage of a campsite, including men packing gear and supplies, a man examining one of the porters and a few shots of men getting their hair cut. A shot of a man climbing a mountain with his gear. A few shots of some men moving gear and supplies across the river with a raft. Footage of men walking through a valley. A shot of a man inspecting a tree. Footage of some men moving gear and supplies across the river with a raft. A few shots of a man eating something off a tree. A few shots of a campsite with many porters and a lot of supplies. Footage of mountains. Footage of men on rafts and in boats crossing rivers with gear, supplies and horses intercut with a few shots of a large procession across the ice at the foot of the mountains and men hiking. Footage of local men, including a shot of a man with six toes. A shot of men hiking. A few shots of a man spinning a disc on a stick with string wrapped around it. Footage of a man playing a stringed instrument as others watch. A few shots of a windy valley. A few shots of porters carrying gear and supplies. A shot of men carrying a raft. Footage of several men crossing a river on a raft. A few shots of Peter Schoenning climbing. A shot of Charles S. Houston. A shot of Charles Houston and Robert H. (Bob) Bates inspecting a pair of boots. A few shots of Robert Craig and Dee Molenaar. A few shots of several men packing supplies in a kitchen. A few shots of Charles Houston testing out an oxygen mask and tanks. A shot of a mountain. A shot of Houston measuring supplies on a scale and putting them in bags. Footage of Peter Schoenning giving climbing instructions to three young men. A shot of Houston trying on a winter coat. A few shots of a man strapping spikes to a boot and a child inspecting the boots. A few shots of Robert Craig and Dee Molenaar trying on hooded jackets. Donor Notes: "K2: excellent 1953 cuts"
3 Copies