[Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 25, Accession 2241
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Can notes: "Harbor Island 1935 Forbes" Views aboard Black Duck as people sit in the stern on a rough day. POV toward the bow as it crashes through waves sailing upwind.
Views from a motor launch as two people paddle away toward Tarpaulin Cove lighthouse, then back toward the camera. A group of people descends the wooden ramp to a dock and waits to be ferried by dory and motor launch to Black Duck (?)
Views of young people on a rocky shoreline learning rock climbing and using ropes to make their way up and across the rock face. A group of young people walk across a rocky shoreline toward the water. They then run through an old farm field to an old clapboard house, and try an acrobatic maneuver on the grass. Several try handstands and pyramids.
Trick views of "rock climbing", where people above appear to be tumbling down on two boys already on the rock face.
More views of waves crashing on the rocky shoreline.
3 Copies