[Gertrude Jane Hay Eustis--home movies] Reel 86
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NHF Cataloguer's notes Reel 86: 18:02. Infant walks about as older man watches. Infant sits down quickly. Infant stands on mat before door. Infant balances himself on mat. Small item in hand, infant walks on porch. Infant crawls along. Little boy, man piggybacking infant in semi-wooded area. Trees at side. Varied flora growing. Scattered rocks. Men, women sit on rocks of beach. 19:06. Right-tracking pan. of group. All attired for swimming. Quick shot man surfing. Man attends to golf cart. Man scratches his chest. Infant stands. Dog walks along. 20:02. Infant grabs man's cigarettes. Woman walks along with towel wrapped around back. Couple on blanket as little boy looks on. Active ocean surface. Sail of boat flaps in wind. Path in wood. People at side. Various activities. Sawing, preparing wood, lumber. Quick pan. of area, trees. 21:02. Woman wields hammer. People have boards planed. Carpentry work is going on. Community, family effort. Woman is painting plank. Man walks down path made of newly-hewn planks. Man saws wood with round mechanical saw. Men work on beams, lumber. Little boy crouches down by patch of flowers encircled with stones. 22:00. He smells flower. Repeats action. He rises, stands by flowerbed. Woman wheels infant along in open carriage. Little bar grasps bar on front of carriage. Family seated on porch and at side. Man raises two fingers spread apart. 23:00. Domestic fire ablaze, fireplace or camp fire. Infant with bottle in mouth. Mother at side. Little boy places toy boat along porch edge. Three men walk forward. One raises paper bag aloft. Little boy playing with yo-yo. He walks forward. Shadowy shot. Family gathered in vicinity of porch. 24:02. Woman, cup in hand, rises from chair. Little boy waves. Shadowy shot. Family members rise from porch. Two men standing on wharf. Man places arm about buddy's shoulder. This man raises trouser legs to reveal knee bands. Man on wharf watches boat on water surface. Infant in stroller on wharf. Man crouches down. Toddler runs on gangway. Woman follows behind. 25:00. Toddler stands beside infant in stroller. Several people descend gangway. Man wearing Scotch tam, rose-colored sweater, descends gangway. Pov. boat ride over water surface. Pan. of boat laden with passengers. Water surface. Shoreline buildings. Scan of varied boat passengers. Colonial-appearing building, outbuilding along shoreline. Shadowy shot of woman with various items under her arms. 26:02. Family gathered by boat. Woman with plush panda under arm gestures. Man with golf clubs by trunk of car. Woman, boy, toddler near car. With harness still on, toddler walks about. Woman painting lattice of lower porch. She is clad in bathing suit. Motorboat, pleasure craft in water. People at edge of wharf. 27:04. Standing, using one oar, man sets out in boat. He paddles standing, then kneels. Woman pushes infant in stroller. People follow behind. Man, with object in hand, waves. Woman, crouched down on ground by stroller. Dog passes by. Woman secures infant in stroller. Together, man, woman lift infant in stroller up steps. 28:03. Couple look on. Male half carries tennis racquet. Woman wheels infant in stroller on gangway. Woman with picnic basket, suitcase joins them. Woman adjusts infant's diaper. Infant walks along on gangway. Having walked a good distance, infant joins mother who is sitting at end of gangway. Toy in hand, infant walks forward once more. 29:03. Infant rejoins mother. Mother claps hands and infant begins walking. Infant rejoins mother. Family congregated on wharf. Three people aboard boat, American flag flying. Sailboat. Family in boat at wharf. Man raises hand. Woman on wharf raises both hands aloft. Family on boat. Smoke from cigarette. Water surface. Sailboat. Interior boat, pillows, assorted gear. Woodland path. Man wheels infant in stroller. Woman behind. 30:01. Woman waves. Older man also present. Man wheels infant in stroller along gangway. Two women follow. Family gathered at edge wharf. Man carefully lifts infant in stroller into boat. Woman looks outward, shielding eyes from sun. Man tickles infant under chin. Boy infant looks up. Infant in stroller on path near water. Suitcase, various items at side of path. 31:06. Man, woman carrying various items walk along path. Woman pushes stroller along in grass. Man carries long, square item. Infant in arms, woman waves. Attempts to get infant to do the same. Infant walks along on grass. Infant wears red sailor suit. Infant stumbles, rises. Repeats action. Mother waits for him. 32:06. Woman near raised door of car trunk. Family near house. Tree branches over hang. Group women, one man. Two older women in vicinity of what appear to be small cabins, camps. Man joins them. Three people gathered at exterior of longer cabin. 33:03. Right-tracking pan. of cabin, size of house. Garage at right. Two men, woman walk forward in area. Slender, well-kept trees. Woman holds infant's hand as both emerge from building. Infant begins walking independently.
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