[Woods & Waters: Meat Cutting and Game Cooking]
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Program #210. // Bud Leavitt interviews Paul Shumacher, who demonstrates methods involved in properly cutting wild game meat. Explanation of the common cuts of meat. They also discuss venison in general. In the field, authors Joan and John Cone demonstrate wildfowl cooking techniques with woodcock and grouse as Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Robinson look on.
Credits: Woods and Waters with Bud Leavitt ; Producer/Director: Jim Bisson ; Cinematography: Jim Garvin ; Editor: Jim Bisson ; Video Camera: Jim Bisson, Steve Faloon ; Production: Earl Allen, Tom Pastore ; Audio: Ira Huntley ; Video: Paul Martin ; Videotape: Aldon Caron ; Set Design/Lighting: Earl Allen ; Graphics: Ginni Lindlof, Keary Nichols, Dick Wands ; Publicity: Barbara Beers ; Production Secretary: Millie Olson
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