[Henry Briggs Nature Series: Allagash, Part 1]
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Briggs footage originally shot on 16mm film. // Briggs gives running narration throughout.
Briggs' voice-over of Allagash Part 1; lumbering practices and chainsaws are described and observed; aerial views of the northern part of Maine, and a map is used to locate the route to be traveled; canoes are loaded for the trip from Telos Lake; a motor on the canoes makes travel easier and faster to Lock Dam; portage at the dam; camping near the stream; Little Allagash Falls are visited; Round Pond is noted; Ray Howe and his wife are members of the traveling party; turtlehead flowers and royal fern are observed along the lakeside; moose visit the campgrounds; the Canada Jay is observed; a Bangor Hydro tractor helps with a portage to Eagle Lake; the lake is traversed using an outboard motor; loons are observed; Churchill Lake is next on the tour; fields of Pearly Everlasting flowers are noted; an abandon lumber depot camp is noted; the tape ends abruptly;
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