[Thin Ice in Portland]

Portland, Maine
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
January 10 1975
Interview with man in Deering Oaks Park in Portland about dangers of thin ice in city's parks. 'Danger Thin Ice' signs in ice. // Slightly faded. // Item from can 221, labeled 01/07/1975 - 01/15/1975.
Footage of an iced-over pond with warning signs posted; 'Danger Thin Ice' signs in ice; a voice-over of an unidentified Portland parks and recreation officer talking about the calls received by the office about skating on city ponds; he says that there are no parks in the city right now with safe ice, though in other years there have been places; the camera pulls back for footage of the interview as a standup in Portland's Deering Oaks Park.

3 Copies
