[Unidentified home movies and commercial shorts] PRELIMINARY COLLECTION LEVEL RECORD

New York
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
circa 1925 – 1930
25 reels of Pathex home movies. Unknown provenance. 8 reels of Pathe commercial titles. Ebay purchase by Bill O'Farrell from Anna Frey, 61 Marine St., Bronx NY 10464. Gift also includes Pathex projector with manuals and catalog. Booklets stored in Ephemera Collection (NHF Coll. Amateur Ephemera box) Amateur reels are mostly unidentified. Identified reels include: Maine, Marlborough, White Plains, Land and Shoting [sic]. Others labeled with numbers. Pathex titles are: Catching a Raccoon (A-17) [2 copies, or else reel in box is different title] Dogs and Sports (A-29) Pelt Farms (B-28) Quail Hunting (E-38) Unbidden Guests (Our Gang) (C-74) The Flirt (Harold Lloyd) (C-95) Pathex Review No. 19 (R-10)

1 Copy
