[An Oral Historian's Work production elements]
1986 – 1987
Audio and video elements for 'An Oral Historian's Work' production. Tapes came in three boxes with labels: Box 1: 'Original 3/4' tapes with time code (mostly on channel 1). Stored tails out. Numbers 1-10. 7-31-87 DSW.' Box 2: 'Tapes 11-17 and Revised 1-4. Original 3/4' with time code (mostly on channel 1). Stored tails out. 7-31-87 DSW.' Box 3: '3/4 inch originals. Revised 5, 6, 7. 3/4' dubs from Beta of woods shots. 3/4' of first version. VHS of rough edit 3 of revised program.'
2 Copies