Hunting, Dutchess County, New York--Messler family--home movies. Reel 8
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1939 – 1940

Credit: Patricia W. Messler Collection, Northeast Historic Film.
Black and white dog. Black and white puppies in crate being dumped on lawn. Woman holding 3 puppies. Brown and white dog and puppy in grass with women. Black dog joins puppy and brown and white dog. Puppy walks down sidewalk. Puppy and big black dog in yard. Puppy eating out of dish in yard. Dogs and puppies playing in yard. Dog shaking tree by pulling on white cloth. Puppies on bench. Black dog running in yard. Woman in gold blouse holding puppy. Woman in striped blouse showing puppy to dog in chain. Puppy playing with woman. Hunting dog posing in field. Man shoots pheasant. Dog retrieves pheasant. Men with guns take pheasant from dog and takes it. German Short Haired Pointers retrieving game. Men shooting another pheasant. Dog brings in back, but drops reluctantly. Hunter pulls out bird. Herd of deer or elk.
Color home movies including scenes of play with dogs and puppies, and pheasant hunting in Dutchess County, New York.
"Bobby - Dogs - Puppies - Hunting pheasants, Dutchess County NY"
4 Copies