[Mahlon Walsh--home movies] Reel 2
Freeport, Maine
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circa 1933
High-angle shot of large crowd listening to men give speeches in large building. People put ballots in slot. Front of building. People leaving. Dark shot inside building. More placing of ballots. Man in fur coat, men in overalls on steps. Pan of building interior. More ballots. Man reading something to crowd. Men on street, getting out of cars. Downtown Freeport including Don's Barber Shop, a Red and White cab, Freeport post office, L.L. Bean, Nissen's truck, Amoco gas station, kids on bicycles. Lengthy segment includes many shots of townspeople walking toward camera. Cows in front of barn. Man leading cow. Cars driving up. Texaco gas station. Pump attendant. Shop proprietor, Kimball Pharmacy, Lewiston Trust Co., Nordica Theatre, L.L. Bean, funeral parlor, IGA, A&P supermarket, Watkins Curtains and Rugs truck, Weston's sign. Large group of men and outdoor cookout. Pan of coast. Large tents. Men playing baseball on field. Women and man put gear in sailboat. Aged man leads horse on farm. Lovely shot of two aged couples walking slowly toward camera. Rocky coast. 'I Voted for Roosevelt' sign. Parade with confetti in Freeport. More of downtown Freeport and citizens. CU of wrecked car. CU of cooked turkey on table, CU of family members, man sharpening carving knife. Thanksgiving? Dog outdoors playing in snow. Woman picking wreath up out of snow.
6 Copies