[Great Northern Paper Company films] Reel 2

![Aroostook River, Dolby Pond, Millinocket, Penobscot River, Quakish Lake, Maine [45.2537830,-69.4454689]](marker-icon.png)
Aroostook River, Dolby Pond, Millinocket, Penobscot River, Quakish Lake, Maine
This item may be available for reuse, please contact Northeast Historic Film for more information
1942 – 1959
Amateur footage of Great Northern Paper operations. // Opening title cards: 'GNP Co. Continued. Launching. West Branch No. 3. North Twin 1942.' apt.' Boat/ferry named 'West Branch' being launched in river. Boat slides smoothly into water and turns. Title: 'Holding Pier. Aroostook River - Oxbow 1951.' Large stack of logs. Title: 'McKay Station. Ripogenus 1951.' 'Commissary Buildings.' Snow-covered buildings with large icicles. Title: 'Power House Foundation & Tunnel. Ripogenus Gorge.' Construction site in snow beside river. Steam shovel excavating dirt. Large tunnel entrance in hillside. Title: 'Bull Pier. Dolby Pond 1959.' Men with axes chop at large logs in winter. Freight train with New Haven Railroad engine on snowy railroad tracks. Logs on elevator dumped on large woodpile. Title: 'Jam. Head of Quakish.' Pan of large log jam on Quakish Lake. No water visible. Logs flowing on water as jam frees. Men along banks of water move logs with poles and peaveys. Shot of roaring river rapids taken from top of bridge. Dark footage of railroad bridge over river.
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