[Maxim--home movies] Reel 19
United States (?)
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1924 – 1928
Amateur footage. Content description for Can N18; can numbers are donor-assigned. (UNEDITED) NHF Cataloguer's notes for Reel 19: 38:30 Intertitle: 'Here and there.' This in white letters projected against dark background. 'Hartford, Conn. Springfield's city officials study Hartford's municipal airport. Group businessmen stand around talking. One smokes cigarette. Long building in background. Men in military uniform near an airplane. 39:07. Man appears to carry slender pillows. Businessmen talking. Intertitle: 'Mayor Parker of Springfield takes his first flight.' Man wearing flying goggles. Two men in business suits. Men ensconce themselves in the airplane. The plane motors down runway. Plane aloft in the sky. 40:00. The plane lands on ground once more. Intertitle: 'Essex, Conn. Jim Pratt, Famous old time, Connecticut River Boatman.' Man in late middle-age. He wears cap. He talks with another man, who wears suit. They are on boat. Intertitle: 'Hartford, Conn. 'Bremen' transatlantic Flyers expected at Brainard Field.' Group people assembled at airport. Plane taxis down runway. 41:00. Group walks forward. Propeller of airplane commences to turn. Assembled crowd. Plane spins propeller. It moves forward. Intertitle: 'Brookfield, Mass. These two aristocrats welcome Guests at 'The Inn.' 42:00. Two bulldogs. Intertitle: 'Hartford, Conn., a queer view of Connecticut's capitol.' Dark screen slowly clears away to reveal Capitol building. Telephone silhouetted at right. Screen darkens. Screen intertitle: 'Plymouth, Vt. Calvin Coolidge was born and reared at this old fashioned New England crossroads.' Exterior of homes. Parked car. Tree in yard of one of the homes. 43:00. Further down the street, parked cars. Copious trees. Pedestrians. Building which may be inn. Tree with peeling bark. People enter home. Intertitle: 'Washington, D.C. The famous Japanese cherry trees at the height of their glory.' The cherry trees in full and glorious bloom. Pan. of the exquisite trees. 44:00. Intertitle': 'Manchester, Vt., one of America's fashionable golf resorts.' Public buildings. Trees are in full-leaf. Two women walk down pathway. Trees silhouetted. Meld of shadow and sunshine. Intertitle: 'Eastern shore, Md. Maryland does a wonderful job at road marking.' Directional road signs stating distances of various municipalities. Bare trees. Other directional signs. Intertitle: 'Entering every sizable town, Maryland has a big map like this.' 45:01. Large directional sign which is topped by word, 'Salisbury'. There is a complex design in the center. Distances of assorted municipalities are stated on sign. Another directional sign which is topped by 'Easton'. A design different from previous sign is in center. Distances of other towns, cities are printed.
Intertitle: 'Hartford, Conn. Digging in an old dump for automobile parts to anticipate a patent.' Men working at transfer station. Steam shovel lifts soil. Man in business suit approaches. Man shovels soil, ashes. Steam shovel lifting rocks, soil.
Intertitle: 'Avon, Conn. Winter sports at Talcott Mountain.' Man skis expertly down hill. However, at completion of his run, he falls down. 46:36. Crouching over another skier, tries luck on slopes. This skier also falls down at end of run. 47:01. Woman descends on skis. Man balances self on skis. Skier employs skis as sled. Intertitle: 'Calais, France, a typical 'Channel Crossing'. People sitting in deck chairs, luggage. Man reads newspaper. Ship deck. Channel waves undulate.
Intertitle: 'Hartford, Conn. 276 North Whitney Street.' Exterior of home. Heavy snowfall. Trees snow-laden. Snow is falling. 48:01. Dark circle obscures this scene. Woman sits in easy chair. She is reading a newspaper. Distinguished older man. He is talking. 49:00. He takes paper in hand, writes on it with pencil. House plants on window sill. Some are in bloom. They form excellent contrast to snowy, bare trees exterior winterscape. Dark circle envelopes scene. Candelabra on window sill. It is amongst the plants. Snow is falling outside. Plants. Decorations. Cat mews outside of door. 50:04. Cat sleeping. Woman nudges him gently. He awakes. She scratches him. He looks up contentedly. Woman strokes him. Intertitle: 'Princeton, N. J. Guests at the Princeton Inn.' Two women, child exit from inn. Bellhop carries luggage. Little girl holding puppy. Little girl runs along. Puppy follows her. Woman looks on. Intertitle: 'Yonkers-Nyack Ferry. Her first trip on a ferry boat.' 51:00. Infant in car smiles. Intertitle: 'Santa Monica, Calif. 'Booster clubs' must thrive in this town.' Assorted individual signs ensconced in ground. One states: 'Optimist International'. 'Kiwanis' sign. Other organizational signs. Sign consisting of spoked wheel. 'Lions' club sign. Legion sign. Intertitle: 'Paris, France. The toy yacht racing in the Tuilleries gardens.' 52:01. Toy sailboats adrift on pool surface. People on walkway encompassing pool. Pool surface. Toy boats adrift. Boy sets his boat on its voyage. Uses long stick to launch it. Intertitle: 'Hartford, Conn. A rainy day in Hartford.' Overhead shot of cars going down street. Raining intensely. Tops of trees. Intertitle: 'Hartford, Conn. 'Ferdinand' and 'Isabella'. Two kittens lying on carpet. 53:05. An older cat approaches. Kittens wrestle. They settle into cushion for a nap. Older cat, probably mother, leaves. Woman pats kittens, plays with them. Kitten 'bats' or moves paws about. 54:06. Kitten playfully caresses its sibling. 54:03. Two kittens playing on pillow in chair. Kitten caresses sibling with paws. One kitten walks away. Kitten on carpet. Other kitten begins fooling with sibling. Kittens wrestle, frolic on rug. 55:00. Charming feline romping continues. Kittens on arm of easy chair. One climbs a bit higher. Woman playfully pokes him. She gives other kitten a quick scratch behind his ears. Kitten on woman's lap. Woman puts cat-sibling on lap. Intertitle: 'Point Judith, R. I., a notoriously rough place caught in an off moment.' 56:01. Woman walks with cane along seashore. Tide, foaming waves are coming in. Breakers increase in strength. They drift shoreward. (End of Reel 19.)
7 Copies