[Henry Briggs Nature Series: Summer]

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Briggs footage originally shot on 16mm film. // Briggs gives running narration throughout. // Contains footage from what appear to be three separate films earlier created by Briggs that he has narrated over on the tape. Three title cards appear during tape: 'Wildflowers of Woods and Fields,' 'Secrets of a Summer Pond,' and 'Observing Frogs and Toads.'
Briggs voiceover for three segments; "Wildflowers of Woods and Fields," features Bloodroot, Dutchman's breeches, Jack-in-the-pulpit, Indian cucumber, Gold thread, Blueberries, Raspberries, Foam Flower, Wild columbine, Hock weeds, Clover, Vetch, Daisies, Milkweed, with details about what each flower is known for; "Secrets of a Summer Pond," observes the flora around a pond, as well as some of the animals including the red winged black birds, sand pipers, meadow hens, the green frog, raccoons, deer; water lilies are noted; water striders, bugs, flies and beetles are given some attention; sunfish, salamander and snapping turtles are observed; the dragon fly is given special attention; "Observing Frogs and Toads" focuses on these particular animals found often around a pond; wood and tree frogs are noted; leopard frogs live entirely on insects; bull frogs are observed from egg mass to tadpole through their three years of development; toads only come down to water when they are interested in mating; toads only require a few weeks to mature enough to leave the water; feeding and hibernation habits are observed; frogs hide for winter in the wet leaves found in the pond;

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