EMF Collection

Credit: EMF Collection, Northeast Historic Film.
EMF Collection, 2419
166 film reels
1931 – 1965
The EMF Collection contains approximately 120 reels of 16 mm. film primarily shot by Abraham Katz, founder of EMF Electric Supply Co., which was located on Massachusetts Avenue. in Cambridge, Mass. In addition to the 16 mm. film shot by Abraham Katz, Reels 1-32 are 8mm film, and Reels 153-166 are commercial (purchased) films.
The Katz family is seen at their home in Belmont, Mass., and on excursions and visits. There is coverage in color of the Boston Fish Pier in the early 1940s, and b&w film of Colchester, CT, where Abraham Katz grew up. Colchester had a Jewish agricultural settlement with a synagogue founded in 1898.
The EMF Electric Supply Company building on Mass. Ave. is shown under construction, with employees on the street and in company vehicles and on excursions and enjoying celebrations. Cambridge and Boston parades are included. The family visit to the New York World's Fair in 1939 is covered.
The Katz family's road trips and cruises show trips to Ellisville, Mass., to Vermont, and to lakes and beaches.
The collection also includes a reel, "Shicklgruber Does the Lambeth Walk," a reuse of German footage produced in the UK and distributed to newsreel companies on 16mm film.
Abraham Katz (1904-1997) was born in Russia and grew up in Colchester, CT. He founded EMF, an electrical supply company, in Cambridge, Mass.
According to his obituary (Boston Herald, 1997), he moved to Boston in 1920 and founded EMF in 1928. His brother, Benjamin, who is depicted in the film, was a US Navy officer.
Northeast Historic Film
The Collection is open for research.
Authorization to reuse and/or reproduce must be obtained from Northeast Historic Film. See http://oldfilm.org/content/stock-footage-licensing for more information.
32 Items in this collection