Edmund Muskie Archives Collection

video (approx. 2200 min.) : si. & sd., b&w and col. ; 1/2 in.
1955 – 1970
Collection contains political footage including interviews with Muskie, campaign speeches and local appearances, "fireside chats" and debates. Collection also contains documentaries and factual works: various biographical films of Muskie such as "Edmund Muskie: A Portrait," and footage of family events including graduations, weddings and recreational outings. Collection also contains news such as filmed congressional hearings, footage of Maine visits by U.S. presidents, and scenes of various election nights.
Edmund S. Muskie, noted Maine statesman, completed his undergraduate education at Bates College (Lewiston) before beginning a lengthy political career that included four years as governor of Maine, 21 years in the U.S. Senate and eight months as Secretary of State during the Carter Administration. The Edmund S. Muskie Archives at Bates College possesses an extensive collection of documents, photographs, audio and video tapes and political mementos covering Muskie's career. Original footage consists primarily of 16 mm. film.
Authorization to reuse and/or reproduce must be obtained from Northeast Historic Film. See http://oldfilm.org/content/stock-footage-licensing for more information.