Rae, Cameron, Dr. and Mrs., Collection

Credit: Dr. and Mrs. Cameron Rae Collection, Northeast Historic Film.
9 film reels
1939 – 1969
Credit: Cameron A. Rae home movies. Excerpt from "Stocking trout, clambake, boat parade, 1940-1941." 16 mm. film. From the Dr. and Mrs. Cameron Rae Collection at Northeast Historic Film, Bucksport, ME. MP4 video, 2:06.
The Dr. and Mrs. Cameron Rae Collection contains eight reels of amateur 16 mm. film and one commercial 16 mm. film print. The home movies, shot between 1939 and 1969, capture the Raes and their extended family and friends at homes in Maine and on travels throughout New England and Canada. Of particular interest are scenes of a summer clambake; a festive children's boat parade; and the Massachusetts Department of Fisheries and Game stocking trout in 1940. Many reels contain scenic views of the Maine coast, particularly at sunset.
Dr. Cameron A. Rae was born in Brockton, Massachusetts. A one-time resident of Lincolnville, Maine, he practiced dentistry in Vinalhaven and Falmouth before retiring. He was a 1924 graduate of Harvard University Dental School, a talented artist of pencil sketches, an avid gardener, poet, and chess player. With his wife Martha Vuilleumier Rae, he raised a daughter, Sarah, and son, Cameron.
Northeast Historic Film
The Collection is open for research.
Authorization to reuse and/or reproduce must be obtained from Northeast Historic Film. See http://oldfilm.org/content/stock-footage-licensing for more information.
10 Items in this collection