King Family Collection

Credit: King Family Collection, Northeast Historic Film. Bailey Island Tuna Club, 1942.
29 film reels
1939 – 1949
Credit: King family home movies. Excerpt from “Bailey Island Tuna Club," 1942. 8 mm. film. From the King Family Collection at Northeast Historic Film, Bucksport, ME. MP4 video, 4:53.
The King Family Collection contains 29 reels of 8 mm. film depicting William Harrison King II and Grace O'Hara King family and friends, including equestrian interests and children growing up in the Washington, DC, area. Grace King is responsible for most filming, particularly after World War II, as Harrison King (known as Harry) lost his eyesight in the war. Earlier military and equestrian reels were shot by Harry and Grace King.
The family visits Bailey Island, Maine, in summers, swimming, boating, and playing outside the grandparents' shingle house.
Coverage includes Fort Robinson, Nebraska, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and Fort Riley, Kansas, in connection with Harrison King's military service and riding, also Maryland Hunt Club horseback and social events. The cavalry coverage includes soldiers with mules and horses, military vehicles and artillery exercises.
The children, Billy (William Harrison King III) and Patsy, attended Rose Lee Hardy elementary school in Washington, DC, and for several years there is film of the school's Mayday celebration. Neighborhood coverage in summer and winter is extensive with children sledding, roller skating, and playing in the backyard in a small canvas pool. The family dogs--springer spaniels--are often present.
The family attends the Army Navy Country Club and goes to Glen Echo Park and other recreation destinations.
New babies, children's birthdays and Christmas are regularly filmed in color and black and white.
Lt. Col. William Harrison King II served in North Africa and Italy in World War II. He attended West Point, as did Grace O'Hara King's father and brother. Following a wartime head injury in Italy, he was treated at Valley Forge General Hospital; he suffered significant loss of eyesight and was cared for at home by Grace with the help of a housekeeper.
Leila Pier King, Harry King II's mother, was from South Dakota.
Grace's brother, James O'Hara (Jim), and sister-in-law, Eleanor, are depicted. They also lived in Washington, DC; James O'Hara served in the Army. They had no children.
The O'Hara family first went to Bailey Island, ME, in the 1890s; Winifred Westlake O'Hara, depicted in the film (Grace O'Hara's mother), purchased a house and spent every summer there.
- King Family
- Patsy King
- William Harrison King II
- William Harrison King III (Billy)
- Winifred Westlake O'Hara
Northeast Historic Film
The Collection is open for research.
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30 Items in this collection