Pulsifer, Nancy Collection

Credit: Nancy Pulsifer Collection, Northeast Historic Film. Weather vane, 1972.
film (350 ft.) : so., col. ; 16mm
The collection contains "Ballad of Buster," a short film based on an event which took place on the Maine coast. According to the donor, "Buster Estes was a Harpswell fisherman who took two young boys duck hunting in winter on a half tide ledge. Something happened to the skiff which had taken them from the lobster boat, anchored off-shore, to the ledge, and the man and two boys were left stranded on the ledge in the on-coming tide and in the face of a building snow storm."
The film was directed and filmed by Marty Meltz. Nancy Pulsifer was the producer and created the music.
Marty Meltz (1933-2015) was a filmmaker, film critic, and photographer. He owned a gallery on Mohegan Island and was film critic for the Portland papers for many years. Nancy Pulsifer lives in Rockland, Maine. The film was used in an educational package for schools, "Buster, A Synthesis of Environmental Art," describing art forms created in response to the experience of the Maine coast. Larry Hall, a Bowdoin College professor, wrote a short story, "The Ledge," based on this tragic event.
Northeast Historic Film
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1 Items in this collection