Davis, Dave Collection

film (30 ft.) : si., b&w ; 16 mm. reversal pos.
Collection contains a home movie, "First Orland Raft Race," showing the rafts constructed using a variety of materials including inner tubes on the Narramissic River in Orland, Maine.
The Orland Raft Race originated as part of Orland's celebration of the U.S. Bicentennial in 1976. Dave Davis and his father, Dr. William F. Davis, conceived the idea of the race. It was first called the Clement-Herod Memorial Raft Race in memory of Timothy and Mary Clement and Jonathan Herod who were rafting on the Narramissic River from the Upper Falls down to the Town (Orland) burying place to attend a funeral. The three drowned, and were buried together in this burying place on January 16, 1795. The raft race has been held annually since 1976.
Authorization to reuse and/or reproduce must be obtained from Northeast Historic Film. See http://oldfilm.org/content/stock-footage-licensing for more information.
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