Stahl, Bill and Tad Collection
The collection consists of 40 reels of 8mm film, 1 reel of Super 8, 1 projector, 1 screen, 1 film viewer, 1 Sixtomat Color Finder, and assorted notes. The films feature scenes shot in Searsport, Maine, Danbury, Connecticut, and Newfoundland and Labrador, among other locations. The films were shot by Bill Stahl and Frederick "Tad" Stahl.
William "Bill" Stahl had two sons, Bill Stahl and Frederick Arthur "Tad" Stahl. Tad Stahl graduated from Dartmouth College in 1952. While enrolled at Dartmouth, Tad served as an assistant and crewman for the 1949 Blue Dolphin Labrador Expedition, an anthropological and oceanographic expedition coordinated by the Arctic Institute, the Smithsonian Institution, Canadian Geographical Bureau, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dartmouth College, and Cornell University.
Tad Stahl worked as an architect , including on the the 1976 restoration of Quincy Market. He and his wife Jane had three children, Matthew, Nicholas and Isabelle. Tad Stahl passed away on July 26, 2013.
The film and equipment were donated by Matthew Stahl.
Tad Stahl worked as an architect , including on the the 1976 restoration of Quincy Market. He and his wife Jane had three children, Matthew, Nicholas and Isabelle. Tad Stahl passed away on July 26, 2013.
The film and equipment were donated by Matthew Stahl.
Northeast Historic Film
Authorization to reuse and/or reproduce must be obtained from Northeast Historic Film. See for more information.
40 Items in this collection