Howard, John & Elizabeth Kimball and Young, Stanton & Carol Kimball Collection

film (2,000 ft.) : si., b&w and col. ; 16 mm. reversal pos.
1930 – 1940
Collection contains home movies of young people at two summer camps in New Hampshire. Primarily shown are activities at the girls' camp (Bonheur), with some footage of the boys' camp (Bonté) and joint activities. Activities include swimming, diving, life saving, sailing, tennis, archery, shooting practice, horseback riding, croquet, arts and crafts. Camp counselors and staff appear throughout, as well as campers in close-ups for two of the years.
The Howards have a home in Orrington, Maine, as well as property in Moultonborough on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. The Youngs live in Hopkinton, NH. Mrs. Young and Mrs. Howard are daughters of Alice A. Kimball who founded the camps and directed them until after World War II. Clifford North was the father of a camper.
Authorization to reuse and/or reproduce must be obtained from Northeast Historic Film. See for more information.
2 Items in this collection