Maine Student Film & Video Festival Collection

Credit: Tekia Moore, Lewiston Middle School
after 1976
- Films by Huey Collection(is related to)
The mission of the Maine Student Film and Video Festival is to foster and support young filmmakers, and the content of the collection represents material created by independent producers, productions made by youth in camps, workshops and classes, including artist in residencies.
The video materials are compilations made for festival screenings and elements for a "Best of 15 years" and "Best of 30 years" specials. Moving image materials are accompanied by significant supporting documents and ephemeral material in the Huey Collection. This collection is the largest holding of independent youth media productions in the state, and unique in its scope.
In the late 1970s Denny Wilson of the Maine Arts Commission brought about a dozen filmmakers together in Augusta (the capital) to set up the non-profit Maine Film Alliance (now called the Maine Alliance of Media Arts or MAMA). The filmmakers involved included avant garde filmmaker Abbott Meader, Randy Hubor, and commercial filmmaker Everett Foster, as well as Bruce Williams, Huey, and others. They met, hit it off, and followed up with a series of meetings. Shortly after that the Maine Arts Commission, came up with funding from CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) for the Film Alliance do something, and the idea of a festival was popular. Huey, volunteered to organize the Maine Student Film Festival, and the project was off and running. The festival claims to be the second longest running youth film festival in the US. As of 2014 it is in it's 38th year.
Northeast Historic Film
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