8 work results

54) 2716.0027 [Aqui - Drug Conference #104]
X5516; WCVB code 45; Aqui; Drug Conference; Rain forest; No. 104; Red. date: 2-18-92; Air Date: 2-16-92;#104 Drug Conference to educate North Americans about the many uses of coca plants; Interview with Cuban artist Marcos Carvajal and his expression of Latin American art; Tropica...;Credits: Produced By: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed By: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Director: Frank Firnschild, J. Isaac Laughinghouse; Technical Di...
31) 2716.0029 Aqui - [El] Salvador / Bilingual Education
Donaldo Macedo is interviewed about bilingual education; Cuban artist Marcos Carvajal is interviewed and his work is discussed; El Salvador's civil conflict is discussed in ligh...;X4577; WCVB code 3; Aqui; El Salvador/Bilingual Education; Rec date: 2-22-92; Air date: 3-1-92;Credits: Produced by: Maria Luisa Monserrate, John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Gregg Kidd; Assistant Directors: J. Isaac Laughinghouse, Jim Lowell; Technical Directo...
18) 2716.0052 [Aqui - James Crawford & Firehouse Arts Center]
Aqui Hold Your Tongue;James Crawford, author of the book "Hold Your Tongue", is interviewed about the idea of official language laws; The Firehouse Arts Center is featured for its range of arts and c...;Credits: Producer John R. Green. Directed by Dick Puttkamer, Greg Kidd. Production Assistant Jennifer Nieman. Assistant directors Jim Lowell, Jam Hakim. Technical directors Skip...
73) 2716.0059 Aqui - Masks; Holiday Sweets
1. Masks of ancient and modern America; Masks of Puerto Rico festivals; Artist interview with Lucas Posada; Holiday Desserts; Scenes of Boston.;Aqui - Masks; Holiday Sweets; X6067; Rec. date: 12-26-92; Air date: 12-27-92;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Dick Puttkamer; Production Assistant: Jennifer Nieman; Assistant Directors: Bayard Peabody, Jr., Susan Krieger; S...
31) 2716.0387 Good Day - #3406; Langdon Hill; Margaret Whiting; Kate Burke; Athena Kotarides
Dub;#3406; Good Day; Athena Kotarides wins a diamond ring; Linda Evans is interviewed on the set of Dynasty; Langdon Hill known as Mr. Romance is interviewed; Margaret Whiting is i...
13) 2716.1870 Chronicle - Boston Marathon Goes Pro; Copley Society artists; MBTA Walkout
Aircheck: Friday April 16, 1982 TS: "Marathon goes Pro" FS: Paint the Town Interview / MBTA, Arnie in Studio, Disability Pensions;TS Marathon Goes Pro; FS Paint the Town; Interview/ MBTA Arnie in Studio; Disability Pensions (Disability); The Boston Marathon as an amateur even in its final year is reviewed;...;In the studio Chet Curtis, Donna Downes, Jeanne Blake, Philip S. Balboni, Charles Kravetz, Judith Stoia, Dick Puttkamer, David Skillicorn, Ron Blau, Vince Canzoneri, Joyce Ferri...
34) 2716.1917 Chronicle - Haverhill Death; Governor King; George Barak; The Muppets
Aircheck Chronicle: Friday June 18, 1982 TS: Haverhill Death FS: Governor Kind PS: George Barak PS: The Muppets;Haverhill Death; Governor King; George Barak; The Muppets Governor King on the question of drunk driving repeat offenders and a shortage of jail space; Haverhill jail death; an...;In the studio Chet Curtis, Philip S. Balboni, Charles Kravetz, Judith Stoia, David Skillicorn, Bill Lowell, Ron Blau, Jeanne Blake, Vince Canzoneri, Donna Downes, Hamilton Fishe...
10) 2716.1993 Chronicle - Thomas Eakins; NC Wyeth; Jamie Wyeth; Norman Rockwell
Chronicle: Wed October 20, 1982 Thomas Eakins - N.C. Wyeth - Jamie Wyeth - Norman Rockwell "Captured on Canvas";Captured on Canvas: NC Wyeth as an illustrator; Jamie Wyeth on Monhegan Island in Maine is interviewed on the occasion of his grandfather's 100th birthday; 19th century Thomas E...;In the studio Jeanne Blake, Peter Mehegan, Lisa Schmid, Hamilton Fisher, Ava Botelle, Avanti;
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