69 work results

3) 2932.0003 [Emma Louis Cole -- home movies] Reel 3
F-82027549 Item 2 IR 82027[illegible];Two girls and a dog opening gifts. The girls playing with dolls. A birthday cake with a doll in it. Two girls putting gumdrops on a plastic tree. Girls playing with dolls. A tab...
3) 2925.0034 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 34
O7;Ocean and islands. People walking on a rope strung between the shore and a sailboat. A dam and a water tower. A man standing at the base of a flagpole. A canal lock opening. Cli...
22) 2925.0023 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 23
Holland Ireland ;4 Holland Ireland, 1939;Fields and a windmill, filmed from a moving vehicle. Men in uniform riding bicycles. Shots of city streets. A vegetable cart. People on the street. A storefront with bicycles. A...
6) 2925.0016 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 16
Scotland, color film, Versailles Reel 2;Scotland and Versailles 1935;A map of England and Scotland. A white line representing railroad tracks shows the route from Chester, through Windermere, Penrith and ending in Glasgow. A white line representi...
6) 2925.0015 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 15
England + Wales Reel 1 1935;England and Wales 1935;The ocean and the deck of a ship. A man standing at the ship’s rail, looking at a ship on the horizon. Couples dancing on deck. A young girl dancing. The life boats and smoke st...
1) 2793.0001 [Laura Cannon--home movies] Reel 1
Leader: Cannon 9/88 Documentary;A shot of a bike leaning against a wall. CU on bike tire, shot vooms out. Medium shot of the bike leaning against the wall. A man walks into frame and turns the bike upside d...
7) 2791.0020 [Jeannette Peabody Cannon--home movies] Reel 20
Harry + [Lewis] New Haven - New Haven Fall 1941 - [Seron’s Stowe March 1942];A woman pushes a girl on the swing. A boy (Lee) fixing a bicycle. A girl (Peggy) playing with a dog. A boy (Winthrop "Wint") working on a bicycle. Cut back to Lee working on a b...
18) 2747.0019 Sailing trips to Bermuda and Nova Scotia, 1938-1940--Dorothy Stebbins Bowles--home movies. Reel 16
Sailing/Nordlys 1940 - To Bermuda and return: Steb, Chet, Al and Dorothy Stanford, Van Van Slyke, Charlie Young, Irving Adams, Bermuda street scenes, Hurricane (?) on return tri...;Color - Rough seas shot from the deck of the boat (Nordlys) as the boat rocks wildly up and down. Man with blond hair and a sweater (Alfred Stanford) sits on the deck with a wo...;On their return from Bermuda in April 1940 the Nordlys hit bad weather and the sail was damaged. The ship was delayed for six days and the Coast Guard had began looking for the...
23) 2716.3046 Chronicle - MSBR/ Sunapee, NH
Chronicle: Aircheck November 18, 1987 Wednesday Main Streets and Back Roads - Sunapee N.H. "Two Wheeled Tour";MSBR/Lake Sunapee, New Hampshire; cycling tour of the region; Moose Mountain; covered bridge built in 1866; Georges Mill; New London; includes commercials in the taping.;Produced by Stella Gould; Directed by Bob Comiskey; Videography: Judy Guild; Sound: Jim Fripp; Editors: Kathy McKenna, Dave Teixeira
18) 2716.1266 New England Sunday - Sunday, May 19, 1985, #408
NES Sunday May 19, 1985 No. 408 pt. 2 Rec. 5-19-85 Air. 5-19-85;Clip about Babe Ruth. Jan Holmes talks with Dr. Bob Brooks, a clinical psychologist, Alan Glou and his daughter Lori Glou, whose mother passed away when she was young. They talk...;Credits: New England Sunday; with Frank Avruch and Jan Holmes; News with Brian Leary; Weather with Bill Hovey; Produced by Elizabeth Cheng; Directed by Donna Hennessy Smith; Ass...
8) 2716.0279 Discover New England - September 1992 Edition
Master; Discover N.E. September 1992 Edition; Rec. date 8-31-92; Air date 9-20-92; X6020; WCVB code 13;black w/code; commercials included in this taping; Discover N.E. September; Cape Ann is a stop before going out to sea in a kayak on the Penobscot Bay in Maine; Weston, Vermont,...;In the studio Chuck Kraemer, Peter Mehegan, Ted Reinstein, Kathy Bickimer, Michelle Costa, Bob Birkett, Judy Guild, David Skillicorn, Tom Fahey, Doug Dike, Frank Reap, Leroy McL...
12) 2681.0131 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 131
Box: Spring 1968 Boys bicycle trip to camp / Mt. Holyoke College April 1968;Boys on bicycles. A crowd of people in a garden. A girl (Mary Lou) walking through Mt. Holyoke College campus. Mary Lyon Hall. Sign: ‘College Bookstore’. Outdoor performance, po...;"April 1968. Boys’ bike trip and Mount Holyoke College. Kids preparing (in the rain) for bike trip in yard of Dietrichs’ Orrington house. They head down Route 15 in the directio...
13) 2681.0129 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 129
Box: Airplane trip (over exposed) / Mother, Gary, + Llyod in Orrington 1967;Airplanes on a runway. Shot out a plane window as it takes off. Landscape seen from the plane. A group of people gathered around a car. Older people get into the car as a woman ...;"Airplane trip, 1967. More boring footage of planes on runways, plane taking off, land down below (seacoast, but where?). Grandparents Mary Mason Miller & Alton L. Miller wi...
14) 2681.0128 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 128
Box: New Hampshire / Eero – Summer 1967 / Boys catching lobster with John Stearns / David off to School 9/67 – Mark off to school / Mary Lou starts at Mt. HO;People outside. A boy on a beach, holding a lobster, holding a stick, playing tug-a-war with a puppy. Boys holding up the lobster. Boys (including David) waiting for the school ...;"New Hampshire, summer 1967. This is at what was my grandfather’s summer place in Meredith, NH. Meadowbrook Farm. Near Laconia. Shot of Eero Ignatius, AFS student from Finland w...
31) 2681.0035 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 35
Box: June 1958 / Porcupine in tree at camp/ Ada + Carl Hutchings / exploring at camp ;A porcupine on a tree branch, panning down to a Volkswagen microbus parked in the woods. A boy walking in the woods. Another shot of the porcupine. A man leaning against a car w...
45) 2659.0018 [Marguerite Larock--home movies] Reel 18
Reel #17 [18?] Spring 1958. Junior-senior with Tommy Porter, Julie Winkle & Bill Edwards. Kissin’ cousins! Last day of school. Tammy & a snake swallowing a frog. Ugh...;Young people in formal dress. A girl (Marcia) with a dress and bouquet. A boy gives her a kiss on the cheek. Children playing on the street. A boy (Dennis?) on a bicycle. A girl...
7) 2659.0007 [Marguerite Larock--home movies] Reel 7
Denny one year old. Red Cloutier plus the waste can. Flying Dutchman? The first snow of Christmas 1948. Early in the morning at 417 Main st., 14 months old. Br-r-r-r cold s...;A baby (Dennis) walking, at one year old. A little girl (Marcia) and Dennis walking, holding hands. A man, Red Cloutier, sweeping. Dennis walking around a car. Cut to Dennis in ...;October '48
12) 2420.0012 [Anna B. Harris--home movies] Reel 12
color. Teenage boy with still camera. He is wearing a plaid shirt. He has a bicycle, rides between stone walls. Cars in background by garage. Then he rides toward camera. A ma...;Reel 12 box note: To Anna Harris, Manchester, Vermont. Air Marshal. Car from Canada & ?. Mary. Lillian & Mrs. Susie. N[unreadable] Tony. Date code 1949.
19) 2362.0002 Exercise Bike
Label on film: 'Exercise Bike 3/12/84.' // Comedy by Doug Hubley and Gretchen Schaefer, South Portland, Maine. An ill-matched couple discovers the powers of a magical exercise b...
4) 2329.0004 [Virginia Lee Viall--home movies] Reel 4
Virginia Lee Viall's Sixth Birthday June 20, 1953;A girl (Virginia) and a man seated on a bench. A birthday cake. Virginia with birthday gifts. She holds up a copy of ‘Blueberries for Sal’. A man holds a lobster out to Virginia...
21) 2241.0017 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 17,  Accession 2241
Box notes: " Milton - horses- Irving on bike" Group of young people skiing together amid rolling hills. A man exits a dormer window on a house, and throws a tire off towar...
5) 2233.0005 [Rebecca Freethey Viall--home movies] Reel 5
Maine 1951;Sunrise. Two men and a toddler piling brush on the beach. A man lights the bonfire. A child cooking hotdogs on a campfire. A boy plays a trumpet as an American flag is raised. A...
53) 2233.0001 [Rebecca Freethey Viall--home movies] Reel 1
Slight vinegar odor. // Footage from Brooklin, ME centennial. //;A cemetery with an archway reading ‘BROOKLIN’. Close up of a gravestone with the name ‘FREETHEY’. Inscription: ‘CAPT. ELLIS E. FREETHEY born Aug. 5, 1831, died July 13, 1910. HA...
6) 2195.0001 [Earliest Massachusetts Films--elements] Tape 1
LOC compilation tape 1 of 2 featuring early Massachusetts films. // Footage includes: 'Boston Horseless Fire Department,' 'Canoeing Scene,' 'Panoramic View of Boston Subway from...
25) 2186.0060 [Herbert F. Sturdy--home movies] Reel 60
Label: '1955 Nancy Gets Her Bike.'
2) 2185.0012 [Philip Thompson--home movies] Reel 12
Label: 'Super 8mm Reel 6.' // Interior of airport. People waitng in chairs, airport gift shop in rear. Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) ticket counter and airplane ...
4) 2179.0004 [Solon and Betty Bailey--home movies] Reel 4
Donor's notes (abridged - see collection folder): Large Reel #4. September 1960: James at 1 month, Copes' picnic (Solon and Marguerite), Perrys and Marguerite roller skating, sn...
42) 1932.0001 [Curtis Family--home movies] Reel 1
April 1959. // Box notes: 'Char & her new horse, Cowboy Johnnie, Bob Simpson on his horse, Edna & Charlotte on bicycle.' // Footage includes: horseback riding; woman and girl ri...
35) 1861.0043 [John Frederick Hohmann--home movies] Reel 43
Title from label on original film can: 'Park Ridge Snapshots, 1951-57.' // Poor focus. This reel titled as reel 4 on 3/4in. and VHS transfer copies.;Football game, marching band; grill out/picnic; man holding baby; men filling beer mugs at keg and drinking; kids' backyard baseball game; ice skating on lake; making a snow for...
47) 1861.0025 [Nancy Hohmann--home movies] Reel 25
Title from label on original film reel: 'Adam's Fifth Birthday and Christmas, 1979.' // On reel with Reels 22-24, 26-28.;Boy waving at camera; two boys at table; woman carrying cake with lit candles, boy blows out candles; boy riding bike in driveway; birthday party; decorated Christmas tree; boys...
15) 1713.0015 [William Stone--home movies] Reel 15
1977, 1978, 1979 edge codes on film. // Can note: '1978-1981. 1978 skating in back with Amy Jane. February blizzard. Christmas. 1979 skating in Canada with Odette. At Jean's hou...
15) 1695.0010 [Joanne Swift--home movies] Reel 10
A woman, a girl, and a dog playing next to a Christmas tree. A dog sitting in an armchair. Children opening Christmas gifts. People sitting around a large table. A girl riding a...
24) 1688.0024 [Richard Clark--home movies] Reel 6
Box notes: 'Thanksgiving 1949.';A baby sitting in a stroller. A woman (Katharine) with the baby and a dog in front of a house. A man with a camera. A boy with a football. Close up of a man and a woman. A woman...
36) 1688.0005 [Annie Wood Nowell--home movies] Reel 5
Notes from can: No. 1B. Semi-good family only. '27 & '28; N. in Teddy Bear suit with balloon; H. on bicycle, off for Wadleigh School; N. on porch in winter coat. Dancing to ...;Reel has both printed (commercially supplied) and chalk board handwritten titles including Chalk board title: 'Nancy likes to dance to the Victrola" Intertitle: 'JAS. A.NOWE...
36) 1669.0001 [Bass--home movies] Reel 1
Date from edge code on film. // Lakeside or ocean picnic/gathering of family outside eating together, skimming stones in water. Girls cartwheel and kick ball on school sports fi...
36) 1584.0005 [Estella Doughty--home movies] Reel 5
Box notes: 'Maine & Seth's Family Aug. 1966, Chek weighing clams' ;A puppy tied to a tree sits looking at the camera. A teenage boy (Rob) walks toward a trailer. A teenage girl (Rowena) goes to the dog and tries to untangle its rope from some...;Notes from viewing with family (mostly Julia Raven, with some input from Mark and Dee): Sister’s kids – Rob & Rowena In Phippsburg with Eunice and her husband Robert Coombs ...
Next 36

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