8 work results

5) 0842.0035 Coral Sea Battle
One reel: 'Castle Films News Parade, Coral Sea Battle,' ca.1944.
27) 0842.0013-.0034 Thought for the Day
NHF reel numbers 13-34. Twenty two reels of 'Thought for the Day.'
6) 0842.0001-.0012 Morning Prayer
NHF reel numbers 1-12. Twelve reels of 'Morning Prayer' series from WGAN TV Portland. A local minister giving inspirational messages. Accession sheet notes indicate local origin...
4) 0285.0005 24 Hours
Docudrama about a day in the life of the Portland Fire Department based partly on real events. Includes footage of fires being started accidentally and Portland firefighters' re...
24) 0285.0004 Hurricane Carol and Edna
Film has a Hurricane Carol and a Hurricane Edna section. Stretch of leader separates two sections. // Each section is [650 ft.] // Hurricane Carol section: Dupont film stock, no...
27) 0285.0003 Pemaquid
Date from edge code on film. // Shot as unedited documentary footage, gives a detailed visual and oral account of the archeological site in Pemaquid, Maine where two 1000 year o...
34) 0285.0002 Story of a Newspaper, The
Documentary of the operation of a metropolitan newspaper, the Portland Evening Express (now the Portland Press Herald). // Dupont film stock. // Approximately 20% of the film ha...
13) 0285.0001 Portland Evening Express
NITRATE. // No date code - on Dupont Pathe film stock. // NHF tech. service viewing notes: Opening title: 'Portland Evening Express Sports and News Pictures. These pictures take...;With sound, firemen board the fire engine in the first run of the day, 24 hours, and a voice over tell the backstory of how that day will unfold while the camera focuses on the ...
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