164 work results

1) 3575 [Sommers--home movies]
NHF cataloguer's notes: Christmas...very nice color. Three daughters. Family bar, mother and father behind bar, daughters in front of bar. Toast camera. Baby with toy car joins ...
2) 2932.0003 [Emma Louis Cole -- home movies] Reel 3
F-82027549 Item 2 IR 82027[illegible];Two girls and a dog opening gifts. The girls playing with dolls. A birthday cake with a doll in it. Two girls putting gumdrops on a plastic tree. Girls playing with dolls. A tab...
2) 2932.0002 [Emma Louis Cole -- home movies] Reel 2
F-82027549-1 Item 1 IR 82027[illegible];Shot of a television screen, showing the moon landing. Two children playing on a slide. A rose bush. A dog on a bed. Adults and children playing on a slide. A girl on the porch ...
5) 2925.0033 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 33
O6;Sailing ships. A military ship, with ‘240’ on the bow. Various boats. A sailing ship with ‘Thomas H. Lawrence’ on the side. People on the ship. Whales breaching. Shots of the sh...
4) 2925.0032 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 32
O5;A person climbing of a tree. A heron nesting in a tree. Boys holding juvenile herons. A boy holding an owl. A boy crawling out of a cave. Swimming. A boy holding frogs. Sheep. A...
31) 2925.0031 [Reid Family--home movies] Reel 31
O3;Ships at dock. A man leaning out the window of a marina building. People on a sailboat at dock. A drawbridge being raised so the sailboat can sail through. Cars driving over the...
8) 2868.0001 The Voice of the Pribilofs, [Harry H. Webb Films] -- Reel 1
The Voice of the Pribilofs Produced by Northern Telescenics - Don Knudsen and Frank Brink 16 mm safety film, color, sound ?. one 14" reel Features the island of St. Paul and it...
8) 2716.4120 Chronicle - Authors
Aircheck Chronicle Monday December 7, 1992 Authors;Title: “Chronicle, December 7, 1992, Political Pages”. Chronicle episode on newly released books on Boston political figures. Peter Mehegan reports on ‘JFK: Reckless Youth’ by N...;Credits: Story Producer: Peter Mehegan, Clint Conley; Directed By: Phil Rubin; Videographers: Bob Birkett, Zip Bradwell, Bob Oliver, David Skillicorn; Editors: Jayne Raphael, Cu...
17) 2716.2743 Chronicle - MSBR/ Maine
Aircheck;MSBR/ Maine; commercials included; North Parsonsfield; Carolyn Chute is interviewed about her novel and her experience; other members of the family are interviewed about life in...;Credits: Story Producer: Lorie Conway George; Directed by David Lawless; Videography: Dick Dunham; Sound: Doug Dike; Editor: Kathy McKenna; Closed Caption Funding Provided by: D...
16) 2716.2605 Chronicle - Journey to the Source
Aircheck: Friday December 27, 1985 Journey to the Source The Literary Genius of New England;Journey to the Source; commercials included in taping; Herman Melville in his home, Arrowhead where he wrote Moby Dick and six other novels; Nathaniel Hawthorn and The Scarlet L...
10) 2716.1921 Chronicle - In Vitro-fertilization; Casper Weinberger Interview
Chronicle: Aircheck Friday June 25 1982 TS: Test Tube Babies - Casper Weinberger Interview - Martha Vineyard's Blacks;In Vitro-fertilization or "test tube" babies and Eastern Virginia Medical School and Massachusetts laws prohibiting the practice; Casper Weinberger interview on the topic of nuc...;In the studio Chet Curtis, Donna Downes;
15) 2716.1578 Watching Birds - Watching Birds/ Intro Film
Master Film Re Xfer X1232 Bird Disc. Watching Birds No. Intro Film Rec. 8-14-81;A narrator talks about birds and bird watching. Shots of various bird species. Interview with Roger Peterson [Video and audio distortions due to tape shedding.];Credits: BBI Communications, Inc. and Houghton Mifflin Company present Watching Birds with Roger Tory Peterson; Written by Allen Morgan; Produced and Directed by Bill Sweney
26) 2716.0331 Family Works Sunday - Bernie Siegal
Family Works X3093; FW! Sunday; Bernie Siegal [Siegel] ; Rec Date: 6/5/93; Air Date: 6/27/93;Family Works Sunday animated intro. Frank Avruch and Valerie Navy in the studio introduce an episode where they interview author Bernie Siegel M.D. They discuss Siegel’s new boo...;Credits: Producer: Valerie Navy-Daniels, Directed by: Donna Hennessey, Associate Director: Jim Lowell, Associate Producer: Alison Mosher, Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, ...
7) 2716.0219 Cityline - Wilkerson Williams Writers
Cityline; Wilkerson Williams Writers; X4365; Rec date: 9-29-92; Air date: 10-4-92;CityLine; Arthur Williams and Diane Wilkerson, two candidates for the state senate, answer questions in their question for election votes; at 15:00 a flashing re-cue message app...;Credit: Produced by: Karen Holmes Ward; Directed by: Phil Rubin; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Director: Jim Lowell; Technical Director: Bayard W. Peabody, Jr.; Aud...
7) 2716.0195 Cityline - Leap
Cityline - Leap; X457;CityLine: Leap; Adam Clayton Powell, Jr: King of the Cats, is a new biography of the man by Wil Haygood; Haygood is interviewed about the details in the history of Powell; Buy B...
2) 2716.0069 Aqui - Isabel Allende #149
Aqui - Isabel Allande #149; X4966; WCVB code 37; Rec. date: 3-22-93; Air date: 3-28-93;Slate: “Aqui VTR 4966 Air 3/28/93 Taped 3/22/93 Dir: Hennessey”. Mayra Rodriguez Howard and Alan West host. Interview with Eric Castillo about the film ‘Panama Deception’. Inclu...;Credits: Producer: John R. Green; Director: Donna Hennessey; Associate Producer: Laura Brown; Assistant Directors: Brian Pellicano, Jaime Lowell; Technical Directors: Bayard W. ...
23) 2716.0052 [Aqui - James Crawford & Firehouse Arts Center]
Aqui Hold Your Tongue;James Crawford, author of the book "Hold Your Tongue", is interviewed about the idea of official language laws; The Firehouse Arts Center is featured for its range of arts and c...;Credits: Producer John R. Green. Directed by Dick Puttkamer, Greg Kidd. Production Assistant Jennifer Nieman. Assistant directors Jim Lowell, Jam Hakim. Technical directors Skip...
19) 2681.0141 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 141
Box: Christmas 1969 / Winter scenes 1970;The family (Mary, David, Mark, and Mary Lou) having Christmas dinner. Trees and cars coated in ice. A bird feeder. Mary on the telephone. Trees and birds. [End of Reel]
14) 2681.0135 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 135
Box: Pulling boat Oct. 1968 / Father’s weekend at Mt. Holyoke April 1969;A boat being moved. Birds eating seeds on the ground. Ice coated trees. Mary Lyon Hall, Mount Holyoke College. Sign: ‘Welcome Sir Dad to Brigham’. Shots of college buildings. A ...
25) 2681.0056 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 56
Box: Camp Jan 1960 / Birds on windowsill (evening grosbeaks) / Bernstein on TV;A boy (David) sawing a log. A snow covered camp. David dragging a sled through the snow. David sledding. Shots of the snowy woods. A boat on the river. A bird on a windowsill. A...
18) 2681.0033 [Albert G. and Mary Miller Dietrich--home movies] Reel 33
Box: Winter 1958 – Marky in snow, birds at window, Mary’s volkswagon, birds at our window, David + Mark Playing, birds are groskeaks [grosbeaks?] ;Shot of neighborhood and icy trees. A child (Mark) playing in the snow. A birdfeeder. A woman (Mary) driving a Volkswagen. Shots of the house with a Christmas tree on the roof. ...
8) 2656.0032 [Joan Cartledge--home movies] Reel 32
Sound Cape St. Mary's Gannets;Shot of a gannet rookery on the cliffs. Wider shot of the cliffs as the gannets fly around. Shot looking over the edge of the cliff, down at the water. Closer shot of the gannet...
27) 2586.0027 [Earle G. Shettleworth, Sr.--home movies]. House Building, Reel 27
Interesting record of a house being built from grassy lot to finished product. Well filmed. Finishes with shots of N.Y.C., and birds in garden. Also some good footage of home ga...
19) 2586.0016 [Earle G. Shettleworth, Sr.--home movies]. Coastal Maine and Hunting, Reel 16
Begins with outdoor footage at coastal park (possibly Acadia) in Maine. Then footage of deer and turkey hunting, pontoon plane, hunting dogs, and a short winter scene with black...
33) 2533.0011 [Alexander Forbes—home movies] Reel 11, Accession 2533
Can notes: "Labrador 1935 Reel 2 Dr. Forbes" Intertitle: "LABRADOR, 1935- PART 11[sic]" Intertitle: From the camp at Nachvak Lake. Late afternoon sunlight." Views of very...
6) 2523.0006 [Philip W. Hussey--home movies] Reel 6, Accession 2523
Man works on trailer hitch. Men gather around outside of a storefront with ads in windows, smoke cigars, work together to move a sailboat out of a storefront door, put the boat...
35) 2491.0008 [Clayton P. Hodgkin--home movies] Reel 8, Accession 2491
The view of Mount Washington from the Hodgkin household, including at sunset. Keith Hodgkin wearing a beanie hat with two propellers. A bulldozer clearing trees on the Hodgkin...
15) 2447.0007 Richard Hale Collection Reel 7
Footage of a farmer herding game birds through the brush and back to the coop. Footage of a bird coop including birds in cages and shots of the buildings on the farm. A man di...
7) 2359.0005 [Bill Caldwell Reading]
Label on tape: 'Bill Caldwell. Worms. [?] Fishing.' // Author/columnist Bill Caldwell reads from book in studio setting.
17) 2329.0003 [Virginia Lee Viall--home movies] Reel 3
Virginia Lee V. 4th birthday - June 20, 1951;Close up of a calendar with an ‘Officer Friendly’ print, with June 20, 1951 circled. A birthday cake. A girl (Virginia) eating the cake. Virginia playing with a toy phone. Virgi...
25) 2300.0001 Honeymoon in Florida and Cuba, 1963--Jacqueline Clancy--home movies. Reel 1
Honeymoon - Nov. 1959;University of Miami at Coral Gables sign. Hospital. Campus buildings. Street shot from a moving car. Women window shopping. Ocean. Jacqueline swimming. “Fairchild Tropica...
275) 2247.0001 [Bylot Island Expedition]
1953 edge code on film. // Footage shot during a 1954 excursion to Bylot Island. // Footage of birds walking, running, nesting. Man walks across ice/tundra carrying rifle. Man s...
15) 2177.0063 [Henry Sturgis Dennison--home movies] Reel 63
Label: 'Dob Hunting 29.' ;DVD slate: Reel 63. Hunting 1929 Brush, following birds flying. On lake, duck (blurry). On lake, far shore, then light through clouds, sunset. People walking in middle dista...
16) 2165.0001-.0091 Paul Fournier Films
Full handwritten inventory in collection folder including 21 3/4", 5 Betacam, 1 VHS, 7 audio tape, 57 films & various professional film equipment. Includes items relating to: E...;Video (3/4 -21, Betacam 5, VHS 1) Eagle Transplant W.P. 2 Eagle Transplant W.P. 3 Eagles “A” Eagles “B” Eagle # 2 P’s Film/Tape Transfer CBS Sunday Morning – Eagles 2/2/79 Dub –...
32) 2145.0036 [Wohelo Camp Footage] Reel 36
Sebago Wohelo No. 2 1939 Ocean Boating/Digging For Clams?/Camping out/Crafts/A Crow/Sailing/Riding;People walking down a pier. A group of girls (campers) getting on a boat, waving to the camera. People gathered on the shore. Digging for clams. Inspecting tide pools. Girls swi...
20) 2114.0020 [Everett Greaton--home movies] Reel 20, Accession 2114
Footage of wildlife, including deer, a large bird, ducks on the water and various kinds of small birds and squirrels in and around bird feeders. Donor Notes: “Birds”
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