6 work results

1) 1140.0401 [Sugarloaf Canoe Race]
Label on film: 'Sugarloaf Canoeing.' //;Canoe race on river.
15) 1140.0437 [Canoe Obstacle Course]
Man canoeing in small river/stream, 'CCFL' markings on canoe. People wearing 'Paul Smith's Woodsmen's Team' forestry club shirts carry canoe to water. Rowers in canoe navigate o...
32) 1140.0443 [Forestry Competition]
Label on film: 'Woodsmen Competition.' // Canoes on obstacle course. Spectators watch forestry competition, including log rolling, tree felling. // Also see 1140.0437.
33) 1191.3318 [Canoe & Kayak Championships]
Maine canoe and kayak championships on upper Dead River near Eustis.;Canoes lined up on the shore. Canoe racers setting off. [End of Reel]
23) 2165.0001-.0091 Paul Fournier Films
Full handwritten inventory in collection folder including 21 3/4", 5 Betacam, 1 VHS, 7 audio tape, 57 films & various professional film equipment. Includes items relating to: E...;Video (3/4 -21, Betacam 5, VHS 1) Eagle Transplant W.P. 2 Eagle Transplant W.P. 3 Eagles “A” Eagles “B” Eagle # 2 P’s Film/Tape Transfer CBS Sunday Morning – Eagles 2/2/79 Dub –...
6) 2716.3741 Chronicle - MSBR Penobscot River, Maine
Aircheck Chronicle Monday November 19 1990 MSBR: Penobscot River, Maine MSBR Penobscot River, Maine [Includes audio in the black segment at start];[Audio during blank segments.] Title: ‘Chronicle, Main Streets & Back Roads’. Peter Mehegan and Mary Richardson host. Mary Richardson reports on fishing for salmon in the Penob...;Credits: Story Producer: Stella Gould; Additional Footage: Northeast Historic Film, Bangor Historical Society, WABI; Mary Clothes & Jewelry By: Ava Botelle; Mary’s Hairstyle By:...
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